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Providing healthcare to all of our nation’s veterans is the right thing to do. 

Federal law requires the Veterans Administration (“VA”) to “furnish hospital care and medical services” to veterans. For most veterans, this means that after serving in the military they receive comprehensive medical care from the VA.

Right now, transgender veterans’ healthcare coverage is at risk. On July 9, the Trump Administration announced it will be deciding whether to provide transgender veterans with medically necessary care. The VA issued “a call for public comment” on this issue. Its notice was filled with misinformation about transgender healthcare and signaled this administration’s hostility toward equal treatment of transgender veterans.

Comments are due to the VA on or before September 7, 2018. Your voice is critical to ensure our country keeps its promise to veterans and provides the care they need and deserve.

WHAT YOU CAN DO: Stand with veterans and against discrimination by submitting a comment to through our campaign:

WHAT TO SAY: All veterans should get the medical care they need and deserve, including transgender veterans; Veterans have put their lives on the line to protect American freedom and democracy.  Denying essential medical needs of a group of veterans violates these basic ideals. The VA should not carve out a group of veterans to deny care for their basic healthcare needs.  It is unfair and breaks a promise made by our country to veterans that they will be cared for after their military service concludes.


  • Identify who you are and your connection to the issue.
  • If you are a veteran or a family member of a veteran, say so.
  • Be concise about why you support the petition
  • Reach out to our organizations if you need help or have questions about submitting a comment.
  • Click here for more info.
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