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On Friday, July 23, 2020, the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) proposed a new rule that would gut protections for transgender people seeking safe shelter. This rule would strip away current protections that prohibit federally-funded homeless shelters from discriminating against transgender people. The new rule permits shelters to discriminate, which will result in needless suffering and death.

No one should be denied access to a homeless shelter because of who they are.


The Trump administration continues to launch cruel and dehumanizing attacks on LGBTQ individuals, especially transgender people, and people living in poverty. Today, we can advocate for the most marginalized in our communities and ensure their ability to access shelters is protected. This proposed rule is open to public comment until 11:59 PM EST, Tuesday, September 22nd, 2020. You can submit your comment below. We’ve provided some language to help you get started – please add your own unique perspective, experiences and voice. Agencies pay more attention when they can see that each comment is unique.

I am submitting a comment on RIN 2506-AC53, “Making Admission or Placement Determinations Based on Sex in Facilities Under Community Planning and Development Housing Program.” I strongly oppose this proposed rule and urge the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) to withdraw it in its entirety.

This cruel proposal singles out transgender people who are experiencing homelessness and authorizes discrimination against them, solely because they are transgender. No one experiencing economic insecurity should be turned away from a federally-funded service because of who they are, and especially not a service as critical to survival as emergency shelter. . .

The current rule appropriately requires HUD-funded facilities to provide equal access to transgender people. That rule should remain in place. I urge that the proposed rule be withdrawn.

We are including additional information below you can use as you write your comment. We encourage you to personalize your comment; the more unique comments HUD receives the more information it will have about why this proposal is extremely harmful to our community.



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