

trans military ban

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE December 24, 2018 Contacts: Amanda Johnston, GLAD ajohnston@glad.org / (617) 417-7769 Lauren Gray, NCLR lgray@nclrights.org / (215) 983-3099 Samuel Garrett-Pate, Equality California sam@eqca.org / (973) 476-3770 Transgender Military Ban Plaintiffs Ask the Supreme Court to Deny the...


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE November 23, 2018 Contacts: Lauren Gray, NCLR lgray@nclrights.org / (215) 983-3099 Amanda Johnston, GLAD ajohnston@glad.org / (617) 417-7769 Samuel Garrett-Pate, Equality California sam@eqca.org / (973) 476-3770   Trump Asks Supreme Court to...


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE October 30, 2018 Contacts: Lauren Gray, NCLR lgray@nclrights.org / (215) 983-3099 Amanda Johnston, GLAD ajohnston@glad.org / (617) 417-7769   Retired Military Officers and Surgeons General, Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America, Service Women’s Action Network, NAACP, the Korematsu Center, Military Historians,...


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE September 20, 2018 Contacts: Lauren Gray, NCLR lgray@nclrights.org / (215) 983-3099 Amanda Johnston, GLAD ajohnston@glad.org / (617) 417-7769 NCLR and GLAD, the LGBTQ Legal Organizations Leading the Fight to Stop the Trump-Pence Trans Military Ban, Joint Statement on 7 Years Since the End of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell WASHINGTON, DC—Today marks seven years since the U.S. Department...


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE September 18, 2018 MEDIA CONTACTS: Samuel Garrett-Pate, Equality California sam@eqca.org / (973) 476-3770 Lauren Gray, NCLR lgray@nclrights.org / (215) 983-3099 Amanda Johnston, GLAD ajohnston@glad.org / (617) 417-7769 Tania Mercado, California DOJ...


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE August 24, 2018 Contacts:  Amanda Johnston, GLAD ajohnston@glad.org / (617) 417-7769   Judge Orders Government to Produce Documents Related to Development of Trans Military Ban Implementation Plan Washington, D.C.—Federal District Judge Colleen Kollar-Kotelly today issued a ruling ordering the Trump administration to disclose information about its decision to ban otherwise qualified transgender troops...


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE May 12, 2018 Contacts: Lauren Gray, NCLR lgray@nclrights.org / (215) 983-3099 Amanda Johnston, GLAD ajohnston@glad.org / (617) 417-7769 New Trans Military Ban Filing from NCLR, GLAD Would Accelerate Final Court Ruling to Permanently Stop the Trump-Pence Ban GLAD says, “The government’s own documents, newly obtained by discovery, show the...
