
Supreme Court

NCLR says Senate Republicans changed rules “to let themselves win and the American people lose” (April 6, 2017 San Francisco)— Today, Senate Republicans upended years of tradition for the U.S. Supreme Court nomination process. After Trump nominee Judge Neil Gorsuch failed to garner the sixty votes needed, Senate Republicans took a radical step. Rather than requiring President Trump to select a nominee who could meet the 60-vote threshold needed as part of our established U.S. Supreme Court...


Gorsuch fails to affirm fundamental rights for LGBTQ community, views Constitution as ‘frozen in time,’ and believes religion can justify discrimination against vulnerable groups (San Francisco, CA, March 23, 2017)- Today marked the final day of Senate Judiciary Committee confirmation hearings for President Trump’s Supreme Court pick Neil Gorsuch. NCLR Executive Director Kate Kendell, Esq. issued the following statement in response: “As we celebrate our fortieth year securing...


As was widely expected, the Supreme Court today declined to take any action on three important cases involving the rights of same-sex couples, including the challenge to California’ Proposition 8 and one of several challenges to the so-called Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA).  (See my Huffington Post blog post for a preview of the Court’s LGBTQ cases this term.) At this point, we still do not have any information about whether the Court will take any of these cases, or whether it will let the...
