

State legislation

Nation’s top civil rights groups and legal scholars agree: Invalidate Prop 8 (San Francisco, CA, January 21, 2009)—In the last round of an expedited briefing schedule, final briefs were filed today by both petitioners and respondents in the lawsuits challenging Proposition 8. The briefs filed today by the National Center for Lesbian Rights, Lambda Legal, and the ACLU responded to the more than 60 amicus curiae, or “friend of the court,” briefs filed in the case last week. Those amicus briefs...


(Oakland, CA, January 13, 2009)—A coalition of more than 50 California labor organizations, including United Healthcare Workers (UHW) and the California Labor Federation, will file an amicus brief on Friday in support of the three lawsuits now challenging Proposition 8, the 2008 ballot initiative that added a same-sex marriage ban to the California state constitution. The labor organizations represent more than two million working men and women in California. A message from Shannon Minter:...


Brief filed in response to Court’s invitation after it deferred action on Nov. petition (Los Angeles, CA, January 15, 2009)—Civil rights groups today filed an amicus brief with the California Supreme Court to invalidate Proposition 8 because it would mandate discrimination against a minority group and did not follow the process required for fundamental revisions to the California Constitution. In the amicus brief, the Asian Pacific American Legal Center, Mexican American Legal Defense and...


Nation’s top civil rights groups and legal scholars agree: Invalidate Prop 8 (San Francisco, CA, January 21, 2009)—In the last round of an expedited briefing schedule, final briefs were filed today by both petitioners and respondents in the lawsuits challenging Proposition 8. The briefs filed today by the National Center for Lesbian Rights, Lambda Legal, and the ACLU responded to the more than 60 amicus curiae, or “friend of the court,” briefs filed in the case last week. Those amicus briefs...


Religious Leaders, Faith Organizations to Court: Invalidate Prop 8 (Sacramento, CA, January 14, 2009)—Today, the California Council of Churches and other religious leaders and faith organizations representing millions of members filed an amicus curiae brief with the California Supreme Court urging the Court to invalidate Proposition 8. The brief argues that Proposition 8 poses a severe threat to the guarantee of equal protection for all and was not enacted through the constitutionally required...


Reply brief reiterates that Prop 8 should be struck down (San Francisco, CA, January 5, 2008)—Today, the National Center for Lesbian Rights (NCLR), the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), and Lambda Legal filed a reply brief in the California Supreme Court, the next step in the lawsuit seeking to overturn Proposition 8, which passed by a mere 52 percent on November 4. The brief argues that Proposition 8 is invalid because it seeks to eliminate a fundamental right only for a targeted...


Women’s Groups Warn Against Consequences of Putting Equality Up to a Public Vote (Los Angeles, CA, January 14, 2009)—Several leading local, state and national women’s rights organizations have submitted an amicus curiae—or friend of the court—brief to the California Supreme Court, asking the Court to invalidate Proposition 8 because of its disastrous implications for women and other groups that face discrimination. The organizations joining the brief—filed in support of the petitioners in...


California Supreme Court Hears Oral Arguments on March 4 (San Francisco, CA, March 4, 2008)—Attorneys for same-sex couples presented arguments to the California Supreme Court today in a historic lawsuit seeking to strike down a state law that bars lesbians and gay men from marriage. “During our 55 years together, we have witnessed enormous changes in California law concerning lesbian and gay people,” said Del Martin and Phyllis Lyon, who are petitioners in the case. “At one time, the law...


(San Francisco, CA, 29 de Febrero de 2008)—Los abogados y parejas demandantes organizarán una rueda de prensa el martes inmediatamente antes de que comiencen los argumentos orales en la Corte Suprema de California. Los participantes hablarán sobre el desafió que la ciudad de San Francisco y parejas del mismo sexo han hecho a la constitucionalidad de las leyes estatales que discriminan a las parejas gays y lesbianas con respeto al matrimonio. Qué: Rueda de prensa antes de la vista en la Corte...


(San Francisco, CA, February 29, 2008)—A press conference will be held immediately prior to Tuesday’s oral arguments in the California Supreme Court on challenges by the City and same-sex couples to the constitutionality of state laws that discriminate against same-sex couples in marriage. What: Pre-Hearing Press Conference on Marriage Equality Cases When: Tuesday, March 4 at 7:30 a.m. Who: Dennis J. Herrera, San Francisco City Attorney Kate Kendell, Executive Director, National Center for...
