

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contacts: Lauren Gray, NCLR lgray@nclrights.org / (215) 983-3099   Arkansas Governor Directs Arkansas Department of Health to Comply with U.S. Supreme Court Decision and Issue Birth Certificates to the Children of Same-Sex Married Couples In June, the Supreme Court ruled in Pavan v. Smith that marriage equality requires that same-sex married couples and different-sex married...


Monday marked two important moments at NCLR. First, we celebrated the second anniversary of winning the freedom to marry nationwide at the U.S. Supreme Court in Obergefell v. Hodges. Being a part of the legal team that won that landmark and transformative victory for our community will always be a highlight of my legal career. Also on Monday, NCLR won our third U.S. Supreme Court victory in two years, Pavan v. Smith. In this case, we represented two married same-sex couples who sued the state...
