by Dan Mahoney | May 8, 2013 | artificial insemination, lesbian parentage, lesbians children, alternative insemination, parentage dispute, lesbian moms, LGBT Kansas, Gay parentage
Marci Frazier and Kelly Goudschaal were in a same-sex relationship and decided to have children together through insemination. Kelly was the birth mother for their two children, who they then raised for many years as co-parents. They gave the children hyphenated last names, and the two mothers signed a written agreement saying that they both intended to be parents and share custody of the children. Unfortunately, the relationship between Kelly and Marci broke down in 2008. They co-parented the...
by Kate Kendell, Esq. | Jun 14, 2012 | Uncategorized | gay fathers, gay dads, lesbian mothers, Kate Kendell, Parenting, lesbian moms, LGBT parents
Many times, when the anti-gay industry pops out with a new absurd lie, I simply sigh, remind myself of the arc of history, and move on. But the latest vicious volley landed, quite literally, too close to home. Earlier this week, a University of Texas sociologist named Mark Regnerus published a paper purporting to show that kids raised in same-sex households have poor outcomes as adults. His conclusion runs counter to 30-plus years of peer-reviewed research and contradicts the formal positions...