by NCLR Staff | Jul 25, 2018 | NCLR, Missouri, National Center for Lesbian Rights, discrimination, lesbian, Julie Wilensky, Senior
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE July 25, 2018 Contact: Lauren Gray, National Center for Lesbian Rights / 215-983-3099 Missouri Lesbian Couple Sues Senior Housing Community for Discrimination NCLR says, “Mary and Bev were denied housing for one reason and one reason only—because they were married to each other rather than to men. This is exactly the type of sex discrimination the Fair Housing Act prohibits.”...
by Dan Mahoney | May 18, 2012 | gay marriage, divorce, Same-sex marriage, lesbian couple, lesbian divorce, out-of-state marriage, LGBT Maryland, lesbian
Jessica Port and Virginia Anne Cowan married in California in 2008. Unfortunately, their relationship broke down and they made the difficult decision to end their marriage. They were residents of Maryland at that time, and sought a divorce in a Maryland court in 2010. Longstanding Maryland law provides that couples who validly married in another state are recognized as married in Maryland, even if the couple would not have been able to marry in Maryland. However, the trial court found that...
by Carla Lopez | Jan 18, 2011 | Gay, transgender, same-sex couples, lesbian, LGBT, anti-gay health, bisexual, equal visitation rights, healthcare visitation, HHS Rule, hospital discrimination, human services
Statement by NCLR Federal Policy Attorney Maya Rupert (San Francisco, CA, January 18, 2011)—Today, a new federal hospital visitation rule goes into effect that provides significant protections for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people at all hospitals that receive federal funding. The rule was prompted by a memo that President Barack Obama issued on April 15, 2010, directing the Department of Health and Human Services to adopt new regulations that would require hospitals to grant...