by NCLR Staff | Nov 7, 2018 | NCLR, National Center for Lesbian Rights, Kate Kendell, midterm elections, midterms
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE November 7, 2018 Contact: Lauren Gray, NCLR / (215) 983-3099 NCLR on Yesterday’s Midterm Elections NCLR’s Kate Kendell says, “We may yet save our nation and repair a U.S. Constitution in tatters” Washington, D.C.—National Center for Lesbian Rights (NCLR) Executive Director Kate Kendell issued the following statement in response to yesterday’s midterm elections:...
by NCLR Staff | May 21, 2018 | National Center for Lesbian Rights, Kate Kendell, NCLR
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE May 21, 2018 Contact: Lauren Gray, NCLR Communications Director / (215) 983-3099 Moved by the Departure of Outgoing Executive Director Kate Kendell, NCLR’s Annual Gala Raises a Million Dollars for the Future of NCLR SAN FRANCISCO—The National Center for Lesbian Rights (NCLR) hosted its 41st Anniversary Celebration gala on Saturday night at San Francisco’s Palace of the Fine Arts....
by NCLR Staff | May 1, 2018 | NCLR, National Center for Lesbian Rights, Kate Kendell, Dykes on Bikes, Soni Wolf
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE May 1, 2018 Contact: Lauren Gray, NCLR Communications Director ( / 215-983-3099) Statement from NCLR’s Kate Kendell on the Passing of Dykes on Bikes Founding Member Soni Wolf SAN FRANCISCO—Dykes on Bikes today announced that founding member Soni Wolf, “an inspiring mother of the movement for lesbian pride and dignity” died on Wednesday, April 25 of natural causes at the age of 69....
by Kate Kendell, Esq. | Mar 15, 2018 | Uncategorized | NCLR, National Center for Lesbian Rights, San Francisco, Kate Kendell
Leading the National Center for Lesbian Rights (NCLR) has been the job of a lifetime. I feel extremely honored to have held this position and privileged to have experienced the countless moments of joy and awe that have forever changed our lives as LGBTQ individuals. After 22 years, with a full and grateful heart, I will step-down as the Executive Director of NCLR at the end of this year. I never imagined I would live in San Francisco or lead an organization at the forefront of the fight for...
by NCLR Staff | Mar 15, 2018 | National Center for Lesbian Rights, Kate Kendell, San Francisco, NCLR
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE March 15, 2018 Contact: Lauren Gray, NCLR Communications Director / 215-983-3099 After 22 Years, Kate Kendell to Step Down as National Center for Lesbian Rights Executive Director Kendell says, “I feel enormous gratitude to have been a part of the NCLR legacy and part of the history of the fight—still on-going—for justice for all LGBTQ people.” SAN FRANCISCO—Today, the...
by NCLR Staff | Dec 12, 2017 | NCLR, National Center for Lesbian Rights, Kate Kendell, Ed Lee
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contacts: Lauren Gray, NCLR / (215) 983-3099 Statement from National Center for Lesbian Rights Executive Director Kate Kendell on the Passing of San Francisco Mayor Ed Lee (SAN FRANCISCO, December 12, 2017)—San Francisco Mayor Edwin M. Lee, a civil rights lawyer and the first Asian American person elected mayor of San Francisco, died early this morning. National Center for...
by Kate Kendell, Esq. | Dec 1, 2017 | Uncategorized | NCLR, National Center for Lesbian Rights, Kate Kendell, Roberta Achtenberg, World AIDS Day
This year, NCLR celebrated four decades of work to advance LGBTQ equality. We know that we are stronger and better able to fight today’s battles because of our deep history in the movement—growing with, standing with, and supporting our community. And today, on World AIDS Day 2017, we renew our commitment to the fight against HIV, supporting our family members living with HIV, and honoring those who have died. Former executive director Roberta Achtenberg recently reflected on our early work in...
by NCLR Staff | Oct 11, 2017 | NCLR, National Center for Lesbian Rights, LGBTQ, Kate Kendell, Key to the City, National Coming Out Day, Salt Lake City
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Lauren Gray, Communications Director, NCLR / (215) 983-3099 After NCLR victory for LGBTQ youth in Utah State Board of Education case, Salt Lake City Mayor gives NCLR Executive Director Kate Kendell a Key to the City at Coming Out Day Celebration Last year, NCLR sued the Utah State Board of Education for censoring content about LGBTQ people. Today, Salt Lake City Mayor...
by NCLR Staff | Aug 18, 2017 | transgender, transgender military ban, Kate Kendell, Trump, civil rights
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contacts: Lauren Gray, Communications Director / (215) 983-3099 U.S. Commission on Civil Rights Urges Trump to Reconsider Transgender Military Ban NCLR says we need government leaders to check this administration’s “attempts to govern through the use of unbridled power and authority and its flagrant civil rights violations” (San Francisco, CA, August 18, 2017)—Today, the U.S....
by Kate Kendell, Esq. | Aug 16, 2017 | Uncategorized | NCLR, National Center for Lesbian Rights, racism, Kate Kendell, Charlottesville, neo-nazis, white supremacy
Yesterday, the President of the United States defended white supremacy and virulent racism on national television. He derided the journalists who challenged or questioned his comments, and he created a false equivalence between anti-racism protesters and Neo-Nazis. This is not normal. And we cannot allow this to become the new normal. Trump did not make yesterday’s statements in a vacuum. He made them against the backdrop of a nation reeling from the recent deadly racist rally in...