by Dan Mahoney | Mar 28, 2019 | Mexico, Asylum, Immigration
T. is a transgender man from Mexico who is still working to overcome the lasting effects of the trauma he has experienced, both in his country and here in the United States. In fact, he was the victim of an attack here in the U.S. T. learned about asylum through his friend, who was also an NCLR Immigration Project client. That friend introduced him to support groups, where he met other people he identified with, and which ultimately led to him deciding to apply for asylum. His friend also...
by Dan Mahoney | Mar 26, 2019 | Mexico, Asylum, Immigration
A.M.D. is a transgender man from Mexico who has suffered much persecution in his country of origin at the hands of society at large and state authorities, including sexual abuse and threats against his life. A.M.D. had a very difficult time preparing for and feeling confident during the asylum interview, because he has challenges remembering dates and specific details of events in his life, in part due to the effects of the persecution he suffered. Thanks to the diligent work of our...
by Dan Mahoney | Jan 25, 2019 | Mexico, Asylum, Immigration
G.C. is from Mexico and has been in the United States since 2005. G.C. has suffered so much throughout her life and been targeted for being a masculine lesbian. Because of that past suffering, it is really hard for her to speak about her past experiences, which is why it took her more than ten years to seek legal help. Applying for asylum is a very stressful and often traumatic experience that forces people to recount experiences they would rather forget. Our Immigration Project team was able...
by NCLR Staff | Oct 10, 2018 | Immigration, NCLR, National Center for Lesbian Rights, Proposed Charge, Tyrone Hanley
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE October 10, 2018 Contact: Lauren Gray, NCLR / 215.983.3099 NCLR Responds to the Cruelty of the Trump Administration’s Attack on Immigrant Families through its Proposed Public Charge Rule WASHINGTON, DC— Today the Trump administration published a proposed rule that would allow federal officials to deny a green card or permanent residency to immigrants they think may be likely...
by Dan Mahoney | Oct 4, 2018 | Mexico, Asylum, Immigration
M.A.G. fled his country fearing for his life and safety as a gay man. Once in the U.S., he searched unsuccessfully for a long time for an attorney who could represent him and that he could afford. Three days before the asylum filing deadline, he was referred to NCLR. These cases usually take months to prepare but given that this was a life or death situation, our immigration project team did everything we could to put together a case for him and submit all the necessary materials in the course...
by Dan Mahoney | Jun 14, 2018 | Mexico, Asylum, Immigration
A.A. is a transgender man from Mexico. Despite facing family rejection and physical violence throughout his life for being transgender or being perceived to be too masculine, he remained in Mexico and tried to support his family there. However, when he started getting death threats from drug cartel members and police who were complicit, he realized he had to flee to protect his own life. Once in San Francisco, he was able for the first time to start doctor-supervised treatments to affirm his...
by Dan Mahoney | Jun 14, 2018 | Mexico, Asylum, Immigration
Jen (not her actual name) is a transgender woman from Mexico. From a young age, she faced physical and sexual violence from those around her, including her family, who targeted her because of her feminine behavior. As an adult, she continued to face violence from others, including multiple interactions with abusive police officers. On one occasion, a police officer threatened her with a gun, and sexually assaulted her and another transgender woman, who was her friend. Right before she left...
by NCLR Staff | Sep 5, 2017 | Immigration, LGBT, DREAMers, DACA, Trump, Deferred Action Childhood Arrivals
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contacts: Lauren Gray, Communications Director / (215) 983-3099 Trump’s Decision to End DACA Could Put 75,000 LGBTQ Young People’s Lives At Risk NCLR says, “this administration just turned the lives of tens of thousands of our community members upside down” (WASHINGTON, DC, September 5, 2017)—National Center for Lesbian Rights Executive Director Kate Kendell issued the following statement in response to today’s...
by NCLR Staff | May 8, 2017 | Immigration, sanctuary cities, asylees, Immigrants
(San Francisco, CA, May 8, 2017)—Yesterday, Texas Governor Greg Abbott signed controversial SB4 into law, a show-me-your-papers bill requiring local law enforcement and government officials to enforce federal immigration laws and banning sanctuary cities throughout the state of Texas. National Center for Lesbian Rights Executive Director Kate Kendell issued the following statement: “There is a reason Texas law enforcement strongly opposed this legislation. This irrational law will decrease...
by Ming Wong | Mar 6, 2017 | Immigration, refugee, Muslim Ban
(San Francisco, CA, March 6, 2017) – Today the President signed an executive order revising this administration’s previous Muslim and refugee ban. That previous order triggered large protests around the country, and was quickly blocked by the federal courts, who determined that it was unconstitutional. The new order modifies the previous order, but maintains a ban on entry to individuals from six countries: Sudan, Syria, Iran, Libya, Somalia, and Yemen, as well as a four month ban on all...