


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contacts: Lauren Gray, Communications Director, NCLR lgray@nclrights.org / (215) 983-3099 Amanda Johnston, Director of Public Affairs & Education, GLAD ajohnston@glad.org / (617) 417-7769 Legal Advocates in Fight Against Trump Transgender Military Ban Praise Congressional Demand for Answers More than 100 Members of Congress...


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE October 5, 2017 Contacts: Lauren Gray, Communications Director, NCLR lgray@nclrights.org / (215) 983-3099 Amanda Johnston, Director of Public Affairs & Education, GLAD ajohnston@glad.org / (617) 417-7769 On the Same Day, Trump Administration Lands Two Punches Against Trans Community: Pushing Courts to Ignore Transgender Military Ban and Rolling Back Federal...


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contacts: Lauren Gray, Communications Director, NCLR lgray@nclrights.org / (215) 983-3099 Amanda Johnston, Director of Public Affairs & Education, GLAD ajohnston@glad.org / (617) 417-7769 After DOJ Responds for First Time to Transgender Military Ban Lawsuits, NCLR and GLAD Say DOJ Is Turning a Blind Eye to the Harm Trump’s...


Contact: Lauren Gray, National Center for Lesbian Rights (NCLR) lgray@nclrights.org / (215) 983-3099 Carisa Cunningham (617) 447-6500 NCLR, GLAD File New Motion for Urgent, Immediate Halt to President Trump’s Transgender Military Ban   Military leaders speak out in powerful new declarations against Trump’s ban, its disruption to armed forces and threat to national security New plaintiff, Regan Kibby from U.S. Naval...


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contacts:  Lauren Gray, Communications Director lgray@nclrights.org / (215) 983-3099  White House Issues Transgender Military Guidance NCLR and GLAD Say Their Current Lawsuit Will Stop Ban   (WASHINGTON, DC, August 25, 2017) —Attorneys from the National Center for Lesbian Rights (NCLR) and GLBTQ Legal Advocates and Defenders (GLAD) representing five servicemembers who recently filed a federal lawsuit...
