
Birth control

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE October 6, 2017 Contact: Lauren Gray, Communications Director, NCLR lgray@nclrights.org / (215) 983-3099   NCLR responds to Trump Administration’s Attack on Birth Control WASHINGTON, D.C.—In yet another assault on access to health care, the Trump administration today issued a regulation that would dramatically undermine an essential benefit under the Affordable Care Act—insurance coverage...


On Friday September 21, the National Center for Lesbian Rights attended a symposium at the Georgetown University Law Center on “Contraception and Conscience: A Symposium on Religious Liberty, Women’s Health, and the HHS Rule on Provision of Birth Control Coverage for Employees.” Anti-choice politicians and groups have tried to generate controversy around the contraception provisions in the preventative care regulations related to the Affordable Care Act. The regulations required that employers...
