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NCLR’s Federal Policy Director Julie Gonen penned a powerful OpEd for the Los Angeles Blade about the perils of Texas’ recently enact SB 8 anti-abortion bill – and why the future it may usher in should terrify our LGBTQ community as a whole. Give it a read and share widely.

SB 8 puts us one step closer to life in Gilead – and that should worry every LGBTQ person

SB 8 should alarm the LGBTQ community as we also find ourselves the targets of religious and right-wing ideologues

I don’t know when I realized what side of the abortion debate I was on. It wasn’t anything I ever talked about with my parents, and maybe that’s how it happened. My mom was a doctor, and I was raised in a feminist household, even if that was not explicitly named – although I have vague memories of pronouncing my support for “women’s lib” as a child in the early seventies. It was assumed that I would become well-educated and do whatever I wanted in life, career, and otherwise. Gender was simply irrelevant. Read More

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