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Racial & Economic Justice

The most important issues LGBTQ people of color and low-income people face are often caused by racism and poverty. Unless we work to change systemic racism and fight poverty, LGBTQ people will never be able to live free from oppression. NCLR advocates to improve the social safety net and workers’ rights, co-leads the National LGBTQ Anti-Poverty Network, and supports the work of coalitions such as the Movement for Black Lives and Coalition on Human Needs.

sex work decriminalization

NCLR supports the DC DECRIMNOW Campaign to pass the Community Safety and Health Amendment Act of 2019 decriminalizes consensual sex work for those who are 18 years of age or older and create a task force to monitor the implementation and effects of the act. NCLR has been an active member of the by helping to lead the efforts to build support for the legislation by mobilizing LGBTQ organizations and educating campaign the DC LGBTQ community on the need for sex work decriminalization to address the health and safety concerns facing sex workers.


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