Resources & Publications
FAQ – Name and Gender Changes Post-Election 2016
- Youth > Transgender Youth
- Racial & Economic Justice > Legal Aid & Legal Services
- Immigration/Asylum (Hogar)
- Youth > Education
- Racial & Economic Justice > Criminalization & Incarceration
- Discrimination > Employment
- Discrimination > Housing & Public Accommodations
- Discrimination > Healthcare
- Discrimination > Elders
Cases & Advocacy
Carcano v. McCrory Amicus
On October 25, 2016, NCLR filed an amicus brief before the Court of Appeal for the Fourth Circuit in Carcano v. McCrory arguing that laws that singling out transgender people for discrimination must be subjected to strict constitutional scrutiny and that North Carolina’s House Bill 2 (HB 2) fails that test.
MoreResources & Publications
“All 50”: The Transgender-Inclusive High School Sports and Activities Policy and Education Project
Resources & Publications
How to Pick an Attorney
- Immigration/Asylum (Hogar)
- Discrimination > Employment
- Discrimination > Housing & Public Accommodations
- Discrimination > Sports
- Discrimination > Healthcare
- Discrimination > Elders
- Relationships & Family > Parenting
- Relationships & Family > Marriage & Relationships
- Youth > Transgender Youth
- Youth > Education
- Racial & Economic Justice > Legal Aid & Legal Services
Resources & Publications
Transgender and Gender Nonconforming Children in California Foster Care
Legislation & Policy
California Senate Bill 731
On October 11, 2015, California Governor Jerry Brown signed a landmark bill that protects transgender children in the foster care system.
Authored by Senator Mark Leno, Senate Bill 731 gives critical guidance to child welfare workers regarding the placement of transgender youth in out-of-home care. The bill, co-authored by Senator Jim Beall, amends the Foster Care Bill of Rights to specify that foster youth have the right to be placed according to their gender identity, regardless of the sex listed in their court or child welfare records. SB 731, which went into effect on January 1, 2016, also requires the California Department of Social Services to issue regulations implementing this provision. By providing specific guidance to the child welfare field, the bill promotes the safety, permanency and well-being of transgender foster youth.
Many transgender youth face rejection, harassment, and abuse from their families, communities, and schools due to bias and stigma related to their gender identity or expression. These children are at extremely high risk for poor health and mental health outcomes. These risks are magnified for children in foster care, most of whom have experienced significant trauma. Placement of transgender youth consistent with their gender identity is necessary to protect them from further rejection, harassment, and abuse.
SB 731 was co-sponsored by NCLR, Equality California, and the Transgender Law Center, and supported by the California Alliance of Child and Family Services, the County Welfare Directors Association of California, Family Builders, the Gender Health Center, the Juvenile Court Judges of California, the Youth Law Center, the National Center for Youth Law, Legal Services for Children, the East Bay Children’s Law Offices, and Gender Spectrum.
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Schools In Transition
Resources & Publications
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Youth in the Juvenile Justice System
Cases & Advocacy
B.H., a transgender boy
When B.H. was in second grade, his peers began bullying and ostracizing him because he’s transgender. Worse, some parents organized a campaign to force the school district to stop treating B.H. as male, and to prohibit him from using the boys’ restroom. It didn’t take long before B.H. began showing significant psychological distress and his mom asked NCLR for help. NCLR worked with the school district to safeguard B.H.’s right to learn in a safe and welcoming environment.
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