
Youth > Transgender Youth

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Cases & Advocacy

Doe v. Boyertown Area School District Amicus

A group of nontransgender students in the Boyertown Area School District sued the school district for allowing transgender students to access facilities that were consistent with their gender identity. The students claimed that the school district’s policy violated their right to privacy and created a hostile school environment.


Cases & Advocacy

Parents for Privacy v. Barr Amicus

On November 11, 2017, a group of parents challenged their local school district’s policy of permitting transgender students to use the facilities consistent with the student’s gender identity. The school district moved to dismiss the complaint. On July 24, 2018, the District Court dismissed the parents’ claims, finding that the district’s transgender-inclusive policies do not violate the rights of non-transgender students. The parents appealed.


Cases & Advocacy

Adams v. School Board of St. John’s County Amicus

Drew Adams is a transgender student at Neese High School. He sued his school for excluding him from the boys’ restrooms at school. On July 26, 2018, Judge Corrigan ruled that the school’s restroom policy violated the U.S. Constitution and Title IX and ordered the school to permit Drew to use the boys’ restrooms. The school board appealed.


Cases & Advocacy

Whitaker v. Kirby

NCLR and Joshua Langdon represented three transgender youth and their families in a lawsuit against Warren County Judge Joseph Kirby. The complaint alleged that Judge Kirby violated the United States Constitution by denying name changes to transgender youth based on his biases about transgender people. The Ohio Court of Appeals reversed Judge Kirby’s denial and ordered that he grant the name change.


Cases & Advocacy

Doe v. Volusia County School Board

John Doe is a transgender student who transitioned in second grade. For over eight years, the school district prohibited John from using the boys’ restroom and locker room. By the time John reached high school, he would avoid going to the restroom all day, interfering with this ability to focus in class.
