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Legislation & Policy

California Assembly Bill 2085

Children of color are significantly more likely to be reported for allegations of abuse and neglect, despite the vast majority of those allegations being unfounded or unsubstantiated. LGBTQ parents of color are even more likely to lose custody of their children through the child welfare system. Even when families are not separated by the system, unnecessary investigation and surveillance of families by the system harms children by disrupting family dynamics and stability. Mandated reporters of possible child abuse and neglect are currently required to report families impacted by poverty. NCLR supports AB 2085, which would change the requirements for California mandated reporters of possible child neglect to reduce the number of families unnecessarily swept into the child welfare system simply based on poverty or bias.


Legislation & Policy

California Youth Bill of Rights

NCLR is co-sponsoring and supporting California’s Juvenile Youth Bill of Rights, AB 2417. AB 2417 would expand the Juvenile Youth Bill of Rights protections to all youth in California including those in county run facilities. Currently, the Juvenile Youth Bill of Rights only covers youth in DJJ facilities in California which are due to close by 2023. Youth Bill of Rights, AB 2417 includes protections against discrimination based on gender expression and immigration status, timely access to restroom facilities, clean clothing (including, clean underwear) and education access.


Cases & Advocacy

Tingley v. Ferguson

In 2021, an anti-LGBTQ legal group filed a federal lawsuit in Washington to challenge the state’s ban on conversion therapy on behalf of Brian Tingley, a therapist and advocate of conversion therapy. NCLR successfully moved to intervene in the lawsuit on behalf of Equal Rights Washington, the state’s largest LGBTQ civil rights organization and a primary supporter of the law during the legislative process.
