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Cases & Advocacy

Gender and Sexuality Alliance v. Spearman

NCLR and co-counsel filed a federal lawsuit challenging a South Carolina statute that prohibits public school health education from including any discussion of same-sex relationships except in the context of sexually transmitted diseases. The district court entered a consent decree and judgment declaring the challenged provision unconstitutional and barring its enforcement in South Carolina.


Cases & Advocacy

Meriwether v. Shawnee State University

Jane Doe filed a Title IX complaint with Shawnee State University after Professor Meriwether refused to use female honorifics and pronouns when referring to Jane in class. When the university placed a discipline letter in his personnel file, Meriwether sued the university claiming that the disciplinary action infringed on his First Amendment right to free speech and free exercise of religion, among other violations of federal and state law.


Cases & Advocacy

Vlaming v. West Point School Board

John Doe is a transgender student at West Point High School. Despite repeated requests, John’s French teacher, Peter Vlaming, refused to use male pronouns when referring to John. Vlaming was fired in December 2018 and subsequently sued the West Point School Board for allegedly violating his constitutional right to free speech and free excerise of religion, among other claims.


Cases & Advocacy

G.G. v. Gloucester County School Board Amicus

Gavin Grimm transitioned in his sophomore year of high school and started using the boys’ restroom. Despite using the restroom for nearly two months without incident, the Gloucester County School Board adopted a policy prohibiting him and other transgender students from using the facilities that match their gender identity. Gavin sued his school district for violating federal law.


Cases & Advocacy

Calgaro v. St. Louis County

E.J.K. is Ms. Calgaro’s transgender daughter. E.J.K. was forced to leave home at fifteen-years old because she was being physically and emotionally mistreated by her mother and step-father. While living on her own, E.J.K. sought mental health, and eventually medical, treatment for her gender dysphoria. Ms. Calgaro claimed that each of the defendants interfered with her constitutional right to parent E.J.K.


Cases & Advocacy

In re Doe

Jane Doe is the mother of three children in a rural community in the Midwest. From a young age, Jane’s middle child expressed that they may be transgender. Jane started using a new name for her child and bought the child clothes that were more consistent with the child’s gender identity. The local child-protective services agency, however, believed that Jane’s conduct constituted abuse and neglect and removed the children from Jane’s home.


Cases & Advocacy

Highland Local School District v. U.S. Dept. of Educ.

Jane Doe is an 11-year-old transgender girl in the Highland Local Schools. For the past three years, the District has refused to treat her as female for all purposes, causing her to be ostracized and leading to frequent bullying and humiliation by teachers, staff, and students. Following an investigation, the U.S. Department of Education recently concluded that the District is violating Title IX.
