Cases & Advocacy
Jones v. Barlow
Keri Jones and Cheryl Barlow had a child together in Utah using alternative insemination. After they separated, Barlow tried to keep Jones from having any contact with their child. In 2004, a Utah trial court granted Jones visitation. Barlow, represented by an anti-gay legal organization, appealed this decision to the Utah Supreme Court. In a shocking decision, the Utah Supreme Court reversed the trial court decision and abolished protections for all children with non-biological parents.
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Tina B. v. Paul S. Amicus
Tina B. and Christine S., a lesbian couple, lived together for many years and had two children together. When Christine died, Christine’s parents tried to obtain custody of one of the children, over Tina’s strong objection. The West Virginia Supreme Court awarded Tina B. custody of the child. NCLR and Lambda Legal filed an amicus brief supporting Tina, who was represented by James Wilson Douglas of Sutton, West Virginia.
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In re Marriage of S.
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- Relationships & Family > Marriage & Relationships
- Relationships & Family > Reproductive Justice
NCLR assisted S., a transgender father in Chicago. S. has lived his entire adult life as a male and has undergone medical treatment for sex-reassignment. He also had his birth certificate changed to reflect his male gender. S. married in 1985. He and his wife had a child together in 1992 through alternative insemination. When S. filed for divorce in 1998, his wife counter-petitioned to have their marriage declared void and to terminate S.’s parental rights.
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In re Parentage of L.B.
Sue Ellen Carvin and Page Britain were in a committed relationship for 12 years. They had a child and raised her together for six years. After the couple separated, Britain cut off all contact between Carvin and the child. In November 2005, the Washington Supreme Court held that Carvin is a parent and is entitled to seek custody or visitation.
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Elisa B. v. Superior Court
Elisa and Emily had twins together while they were in a committed relationship. One of the twins has Down Syndrome and requires round-the-clock medical care. After Elisa and Emily separated, Elisa, the non-biological mother, stopped visiting the twins or providing any financial support.
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Kristine H. v. Lisa R. Amicus
Kristine H. and Lisa R. had a child together using alternative insemination. Before the child was born, they petitioned a court to issue an order declaring both women to be the child’s legal parents. When the couple separated a few years later, however, Kristine challenged Lisa’s parental status and tried to prevent her from having any right to custody or visitation.
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K.M. v. E.G.
A lesbian couple, K.M. and E.G., had twins together through ovum-sharing, with an egg removed from K.M., fertilized in vitro, and implanted in her partner E.G. The couple raised the twins together for several years. When the couple separated, however, E.G. (the birth mother) refused to allow K.M. (the genetic mother) to see the children.
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Kantaras v. Kantaras
- Relationships & Family > Parenting
- Relationships & Family > Marriage & Relationships
- Relationships & Family > Reproductive Justice
In June 2005, love, patience, and persistence, combined with a visionary judge and a little help from Dr. Phil, led to an historic settlement agreement between NCLR client Michael Kantaras and his former wife. Michael, a transsexual father, has been fighting for almost seven years to retain his parental rights to his two children, aged 16 and 13.
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Davenport v. Little-Bowser Amicus
The ACLU of Virginia sued on behalf of four children adopted by same-sex couples after the Virginia Department of Vital Records refused to issue new birth certificates listing both of the children’s adoptive parents.