Cases & Advocacy
Ely v. Saul Amicus
In February 2021, NCLR and GLBTQ Legal Advocates & Defenders (GLAD) filed amicus briefs in the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals urging the court to affirm rulings in favor of same-sex surviving spouses who had been denied Social Security survivor benefits. The cases are Ely v. Saul, Driggs v. Saul, and Schmoll v. Saul.
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NCLR Statement on SCOTUS Denial of Cert in Case Regarding Rights of LGBTQ Families to Be Recognized on Children’s Birth Certificates
Press & Media
Missouri Lesbian Couple Settles Discrimination Suit Against Senior Housing Community
Cases & Advocacy
Henderson v. Box
When Indiana began allowing same-sex couples to marry in 2015 after the U.S. Supreme Court recognized that same-sex couples have a right to marry in Obergefell v. Hodges, the Indiana Department of Vital Records refused to place same-sex spouses on their children’s birth certificates.
MoreLegislation & Policy
upEND Movement
NCLR supports the upEND movement to end the current child welfare system and replace it with a system that focuses on keeping children safe with their families, rather than on separating and regulating families of color. The existing child welfare system disproportionately surveils and separates Black, Native, and LGBTQ families, as well as families whose members have disabilities, causing deep and lasting harm to children and families. Racism is so deeply rooted in child welfare systems’ history, policies, and practices that they are not easily modified or revised. Rather, the system as we know it has to be ended in order to ensure racial equity. The upEND movement was begun by the Center for the Study of Social Policy.
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National Center for Lesbian Rights Responds to Today’s Supreme Court Decisions on Religious Employers and Contraceptive Coverage Under the Affordable Care Act
Press & Media
NCLR Executive Director Responds to Inclusion of Hyde Amendment in House of Representatives LHHS Appropriations Bill
Press & Media
NCLR Applauds Supreme Court Decision Respecting Precedent and Affirming Access to Abortion
Press & Media
NCLR Celebrates Five-Year Anniversary of Obergefell, Historic Supreme Court Ruling on Marriage Equality
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