Cases & Advocacy

B.H., a transgender boy

Status: Closed

Outcome: Victory

Location: Arizona

When B.H. was in second grade, his peers began bullying and ostracizing him because he’s transgender. Worse, some parents organized a campaign to force the school district to stop treating B.H. as male, and to prohibit him from using the boys’ restroom. It didn’t take long before B.H. began showing significant psychological distress and his mom asked NCLR for help. NCLR worked with the school district to safeguard B.H.’s right to learn in a safe and welcoming environment, as well as help the school district pass a non-discrimination policy for transgender students.

In 2015, B.H. began experiencing significant psychological distress in anticipation of starting puberty. Consistent with well-established standards of care, B.H.’s doctor sought prior approval for medication that would alleviate B.H.’s anxiety once he started puberty, but his insurance plan would not cover the treatment.