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JellyBellyChair_PetitionWant to hear something really scary? This Halloween, there is one treat that is actually a dangerous trick that could harm young people everywhere:  Jelly Belly candies.

And the trick isn’t the few seconds of horror that may result from biting into the dreaded canned dog food, vomit or even the baby wipe flavored jelly beans (yes those are real flavors).

Jelly Belly Chair Herman Rowland Sr. is using some of his fortune to fund an effort to overturn California’s new School Success and Opportunity Act, which ensures that all students–including transgender students–can succeed.

You can help by signing this petition. Tell Jelly Belly’s Chair to stop attacking transgender students.

Too often, transgender young people are prevented from participating in gym classes and can’t get the credits they need to graduate. In some schools, transgender students are singled out and treated differently and not allowed to participate in the same activities or use the same facilities as other students.

The School Success and Opportunity Act gives transgender students equal opportunities to participate and succeed in school and was signed by California Governor Jerry Brown in August 2013. But if Jelly Belly’s Chair gets his way, the law will be stopped and overturned. He is funding a campaign—run by marriage foe and architect of the Proposition 8 campaign, Frank Shubert—to repeal this law. This hateful campaign is led by fringe anti-LGBTQ organizations, like the National Organization for Marriage and the Capitol Resource Institute, which are trafficking in lies about the new law and terrorizing our youth.

Let Jelly Belly Chair Rowland know that you believe all students should be treated equally and have the same opportunities to succeed in school.

Sign this petition and then share it with your family and friends via email. Then, post the above image on your Facebook page, asking: “Tell Jelly Belly’s Chair to stop funding campaigns attacking #transgender students. #AB1266.”

So, this Halloween keep the tricks harmless and the treats bigotry-free. Because if these dangerous efforts succeed, it will be really scary for many young people.




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