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See Me 1Legal services organizations play a crucial role in alleviating the effects of poverty for low-income older Americans. However, not all low-income older adults have the same legal needs, not all will seek out help on their own, and for diverse groups, culturally competent service is key to meeting their needs.

How Can Legal Services Better Meet the Needs of Low-Income LGBTQ Seniors? is a new Special Report by Justice in Aging, produced in partnership with Services and Advocacy for Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, & Transgender Elders (SAGE). The report explains why LGBTQ older adults have higher rates of poverty, outlines how discrimination and other factors lead to unique legal needs, and provides practical tips for outreach, intakes, and providing culturally competent legal services to LGBTQ older adults. A short video that shows the diversity of the LGBTQ population and highlights the types of legal challenges LGBTQ people might face as they grow older accompanies the report.

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