Bequest or Planned Gift

Leaving a legacy gift to NCLR could be one of the most important decisions you make toward protecting yourself, your family and our community. An investment of this magnitude ensures NCLR will be here and able to combat injustice and safeguard the rights of LGBTQ people.

Legacy decisions are unique and often shifting with life’s changes. We are here to support your interests when you are ready.

If you have already included NCLR in your estate plans or will, please share that information with us using the Kathryn Friebe Legacy Circle form below:

Kathryn Friebe Legacy Circle

Contact Information

Phone Type

Method of Giving

I/we have included NCLR in my/our estate plans in the following ways:

I/we have bequeathed to NCLR:
I/we have named NCLR as a beneficiary or contingent beneficiary of:

Gift Value

Private Gift


Your legacy gift to NCLR makes you a member of the Kathryn Friebe Legacy Circle, a society that honors and recognizes individuals who have confirmed their commitment to the future of LGBT civil rights by including NCLR in their estate plans.
Anonymous Gift
Questions? Contact: Jennifer Bing. 415.365.1302,


For all legal purposes, please refer to our organization as:

National Center for Lesbian Rights
870 Market Street, Suite 370, San Francisco, CA 94102

Tax ID#: 94-3086885

Or you can print our suggested language for naming the National Center for Lesbian Rights in your will and bring it to your meeting with your attorney. See sample language.



A gift through your will or trust is one of the most popular and flexible ways that you can support NCLR. See sample language.



A beneficiary designation gift is a simple and affordable way to make a gift to support NCLR. You can designate us as a beneficiary of a retirement, investment or bank account or your life insurance policy.

For all legal purposes, please refer to our organization as:

National Center for Lesbian Rights
870 Market Street, Suite 370, San Francisco, CA 94102

Tax ID#: 94-3086885



If you have included NCLR in your estate plans, please let us know so we can welcome you as a member of the Kathryn Friebe Legacy Circle.



You can contact us to get more information or for assistance with your legacy gift interests.


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