

Upcoming Events

Issue Call: Youth in Locked Facilities, Trans Youth Work, and Challenges to Anti-LGBTQ Curriculum Laws

June 16, 20209:00am PST

Join NCLR for a series of Briefing Calls to hear about specific areas of our work. The Legal Team will present updates on our case work, advocacy efforts and public education. NCLR’s new Executive Director, Imani Rupert-Gordon, will talk about her experience as a movement leader.

Shannan Wilbur, Youth Policy Director, will speak about advocacy for Youth in Locked Facilities. Asaf Orr, Transgender Youth Project Senior Staff Attorney, will talk about our work to protect Trans youth and their families. Julie Wilensky, Senior Staff Attorney, will present updates on challenges to anti-LGBTQ currululm laws that affect young people nationwide. Participants can submit questions in advance of the call and can join as many calls as they’d like.

NCLR’s work remains steady in our mission to advance LGBTQ justice for our communities. Thank you for being part of our family–we look forward to seeing you soon!

If you have any questions please reach out to Lexi Adsit, Donor Engagement Manager. These calls will be hosted on Zoom. You will receive the link upon RSVP.  Sign up today.