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Our Voices

U.S. Supreme Court Made History June 26, 2015 with Landmark Decision in Favor of Marriage Equality A year ago on June 26th, several of us from NCLR sat in white-knuckled silence at the U.S. Supreme Court, waiting for the Court’s most important decision ever for LGBTQ Americans and their children. Anticipation gave way to jubilation when Justice Kennedy announced the Court’s decision. In soaring and inspirational prose, Kennedy’s opinion for the Court made clear that same-sex couples are...


Legal services organizations play a crucial role in alleviating the effects of poverty for low-income older Americans. However, not all low-income older adults have the same legal needs, not all will seek out help on their own, and for diverse groups, culturally competent service is key to meeting their needs. How Can Legal Services Better Meet the Needs of Low-Income LGBTQ Seniors? is a new Special Report by Justice in Aging, produced in partnership with Services and Advocacy for Gay,...


Today, NCLR joins 65 American Muslim and LGBTQ organizations in a statement that sends a clear message in the wake of the Orlando shooting: love and unity are powerful tools against those who seek to divide Americans using fear and hate.  Statement signatories include Muslim Advocates, National LGBTQ Task Force, Muslim Public Affairs Council, Human Rights Campaign, Emerge USA, American Civil Liberties Union LGBTQ Project, American Muslim Health Professionals, Equality Florida, Muslim Alliance...


Today, NCLR joins more than 150 other LGBTQ Latinx groups and allies reaffirming their commitment to ending violence against marginalized communities following the June 12, 2016 shooting at an Orlando, Florida LGBTQ bar that left 49 people dead and more than 50 seriously injured. Statement We, the undersigned, a coalition of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ) Latinx organizations and allies make the following statement in the spirit of education and with the purpose of...


Today, U.S. Attorney General Loretta E. Lynch delivered remarks at the United State of Women Summit in Washington D.C., where she addressed the mass shooting at Pulse nightclub in Orlando, Florida on June 12, 2016. Attorney General Loretta E. Lynch: Good afternoon, everyone and thank you for that warm welcome.  Thank you to Valerie Jarrett for that kind introduction and for the vital work you do to promote opportunity and advance the cause of justice.  I’m so happy to be here with so many...


Today, the National Center for Lesbian Rights joins more than 50 other LGBTQ organizations calling for unity and an end to hate and discrimination following the June 12, 2016 shooting at an Orlando, Florida LGBTQ bar that left 49 people dead and more than 50 seriously injured. Joint Statement We the undersigned organizations working on the front lines of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ) movement share in the profound grief for those who were killed and many more who...


This week, the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) released new regulations expanding the number of workers who qualify for overtime pay. Starting this December, under the new overtime rules, salaried workers are eligible for overtime pay if they are paid $47,476 a year or less. The new rules also require the salary threshold to be automatically updated every three years, beginning January 1, 2020. Under the previous overtime rules, the salary threshold was $23,660 annually—essentially poverty...


The National Center for Lesbian Rights, as we do every year, is working hard to pass legislation to advance LGBTQ rights and protect LGBTQ individuals in California. This year we are co-sponsoring, along with Equality California, two first of their kind in the nation bills. One would prohibit taxpayer funds from being used for travel to states that pass affirmative laws allowing discrimination against LGBTQ individuals. The second would prohibit state funded Cal Grants for colleges and...


The United States Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) issued new rules  today confirming that LGBTQ people are protected against healthcare discrimination under Section 1557 of the Affordable Care Act. These new rules confirm that healthcare services and coverage cannot be denied based on an individual’s sex, including their gender identity, nonconformity with sex stereotypes (including the stereotype that all people are, or should be, heterosexual), or the sex of the person with...


“So, you’re a lawyer, right?” The question came from my hairdresser, Tony, as I sat down for a haircut. “Do you know anything about immigration?” I knew a little bit about Tony’s story. His parents brought him to the U.S. illegally when he was a young child so that he and his siblings could have a better life. As a teenager, Tony identified as gay and won political asylum when an immigration court found that his life would be in danger if he returned to Mexico as a gay man. Now in his...
