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AL_MillerCarmichaelMEMEToday, NCLR is headed to a federal courtroom in Mobile, Alabama with our four plaintiff couples who are asking the court to let them marry right away. NCLR’s legal team has been working tirelessly in Alabama to make sure that same-sex couples can marry in every part of the state. Help us finish the job!

Last week, NCLR successfully asked the U.S. Supreme Court to allow marriage equality to begin in Alabama as scheduled on February 9, after a federal court judge struck down Alabama’s marriage ban.

The Supreme Court’s order cleared the way for same-sex couples across the state to marry on Monday. But while some counties began issuing marriage licenses that day, others—including Mobile County—did not.

We filed an emergency motion on behalf of four couples asking United States District Judge Callie V. S. Granade to direct Mobile County to issue licenses to same-sex couples to make clear that all counties have an obligation to do the same. Judge Granade will hear our motion today—and we hope wedding bells will be ringing for our plaintiffs and other couples in Mobile very soon!

We are winning in Alabama, and now more than ever, we need your support to finish the job. Please help us ensure that every single member of our community—no matter where they live—has a right to be treated with equal dignity and respect.

Will you donate today and join us in the fight for justice and equality for LGBTQ people across the country? There’s much work ahead, and we’re not going to let up or back down.

Thank you for always standing with us.



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