by Cathy Sakimura, Esq. | Mar 28, 2020
FAQ: Documents and Protections for LGBTQ People and Their Families During COVID-19 Crisis In the current Covid-19 (Coronavirus) pandemic, LGBTQ+ people may be considering how to protect themselves and their families, and what they wish to happen if they become seriously ill or incapacitated. This FAQ provides information about documents and other legal protections LGBTQ+ people can create to reflect their wishes. [You can download a PDF version of this FAQ here.] If you have more questions...
by Cathy Sakimura, Esq. | Sep 9, 2011 | same-sex couples, healthcare, Federal policy, Federal Legislation, State legislation
On April 15, 2010, President Barack Obama issued a memo directing the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to adopt new regulations that would require nearly all hospitals to grant equal visitation rights to all families, not just those based on marriage or biological ties. In the memo, President Obama specifically talked about same-sex couples as an example of families that have been unfairly kept apart when one partner is hospitalized. Open pdf
by Cathy Sakimura, Esq. | Sep 9, 2011
In September 2011, the federal government issued new rules that strengthen patients’ rights to choose who can make medical decisions for them if they are unable to speak or make decisions on their own behalf. Open pdf
by Erik Olvera | Jul 25, 2010
A state-by-state look at non-discrimination laws that explicitly protect transgender people. Download PDF
by Erik Olvera | Oct 1, 2009 | Aging, Elders, Seniors
Esta nueva guía incluye información comprensiva sobre sus derechos y los servicios que están disponibles para usted mientras que navega por el sistema de prestaciones públicos y sociales en California. PDF
by Erik Olvera | Apr 25, 2006 | Aging, Elders, Seniors
Este paquete contiene información sobre los documentos necesarios para protegerte a ti y a los tuyos en caso de enfermedad, incapacidad o fallecimiento. Open PDF