
The Brief

The Brief is NCLR’s monthly newsletter featuring important case updates, information on what our team has been up to, and reminders for upcoming events.

The Brief

March 2025

Women's History Month

As we celebrate Women’s History Month, we reflect on the progress made toward gender equality, acknowledge the challenges that remain, and inspire future generations to continue striving for a more just and equitable world for all.

NCLR Continues to Fight Against Administration's Anti-LGBTQ Executive Orders

NCLR has four legal challenges about two anti-LGBTQ executive orders signed by President Trump. Immediately after he issued the orders banning transgender people from the military and removing protections for transgender inmates in federal prisons, we sued. Most recently, NCLR’s Legal Director Shannon Minter was in federal court arguing for a preliminary injunction on the transgender military ban. Read our email with updates from the hearing in case you missed them.

Supreme Court to Hear Colorado Conversion Therapy Case

The Supreme Court decided to hear a case challenging Colorado’s ban on conversion therapy for minors. Colorado’s extremely narrow law prevents state-licensed mental health professionals from engaging in discredited “therapy” practices that are proven to drive youth to suicidality.

The Supreme Court has long held that states have the power to require licensed professionals to comply with reasonable regulations of professional conduct to protect the public from harm.

The law being challenged protects youth and families from the small number of unethical state-licensed mental health professionals who prey on parents and impose their own agenda on vulnerable youth. These practices are not “therapy.” They are dangerous and discredited by every major medical association in this country.

The Court’s decision will have a profound impact on LGBTQ youth and their families. We will be working closely with the state of Colorado legal team to prepare for this case and do everything in our power to protect youth and families from the dangers of conversion therapy. For additional resources on NCLR’s work combating conversion therapy, visit our Born Perfect program page.

The Importance of Medicare and Medicaid

This year marks the 60th anniversary of the creation of Medicaid and Medicare. These programs aimed to improve health coverage for some of the most vulnerable in our society, including the elderly, and these programs were an important step towards the goal of securing coverage for all Americans.

Right now, both programs are at risk of drastic cuts by the Trump administration. NCLR is very aware that because members of the LGBTQ community experience higher rates of poverty and discrimination, they disproportionately rely on access to these programs.

Protecting and expanding Medicare and Medicaid is essential for millions of people across the nation including LGBTQ people, the elderly, parents and families, those facing poverty, and those with a disability or who are otherwise unable to work. NCLR will continue to advocate for expanding these programs because we are committed to a future where no one is denied healthcare based on their personal traits or economic circumstances. Read more about the importance of Medicaid and Medicare from NCLR’s Director of Community Justice and Access, Ming Wong.

No State Can Invalidate Your Marriage

Many in our community have grown concerned about threats in some state legislatures aimed at overturning Obergefell v. Hodges. We understand these proposals are confusing and alarming during a time of increased legislative hostility against the LGBTQ community. Senior Staff Attorney Chris Stoll explains how existing same-sex marriage protections are still intact and why these threats are no more than right-wing political theater. Read more from his blog post and share with others who may be worried about same-sex marriage protections.

Kick off Pride 2025 at Pride in the Park!

NCLR’s Pride in the Park is back by popular demand! Kick off Pride Month with us on May 31! 

Queer joy is an act of resistance! While we fight tirelessly against the immediate challenges we are facing, we must continue to make space for love, beauty and solidarity. Celebrate the joy of our LGBTQ community at NCLR’s family-friendly Pride celebration, Pride in the Park.

Join us for an afternoon of great food and drink, entertainment, and activities filled with love and acceptance for all. Held at the beautiful National AIDS Memorial Grove in Golden Gate Park, Pride in the Park pairs the historical significance and stunning beauty of the Grove with the excitement and camaraderie of a pride party. This will be the one time to gather in San Francisco to support NCLR; you don’t want to miss it!

Kick off Pride 2025 with NCLR at Pride in the Park!

Pride in the Park | May 31, 2025 
National AIDS Memorial Grove, Golden Gate Park 

NCLR Leaders Panel Recording Available Now

On Wednesday, February 19th, NCLR founder Donna Hitchens, former Executive Directors Roberta Achtenberg and Kate Kendell, and current president Imani Rupert-Gordon gathered in San Francisco to reflect on their time at NCLR. Moderated by Olga Talamante, a former board member, this night was a historic opportunity to hear from NCLR’s leadership.

In case you could not attend, the full recording is available on our Information and Briefings page. Thank you to everyone who came out to show your support and appreciation for NCLR!

Latest Issues

February 2025

NCLR Leaders Panel 
A Word from Imani 
Transgender Military Ban Preliminary Injunction Hearing 
Black History Month
Annual Report 2024
Pride in the Park 2025

January 2025

A heartfelt thank you to our supporters!
Save the Date: NCLR Leaders Panel
Challenging the Florida ban on transgender healthcare
NCLR Staff Speaking Engagements

December 2024

Shannon Minter on U.S. v. Skrmetti;
Florida Rural Pride Success;
LGBTQ Family + Marriage Webinar and Resource Guide;
2024 NCLR Virtual Briefing + Year in Review;
An Evening with Transgender Rights Trailblazers;
A Gift for 100% of Us

November 2024

Building Coalition: our work post-election;
Advancing Our Freedom Beyond the 2024 Elections;
Transgender Day of Remembrance;
Imani Rupert-Gordon to Join Panel of LGBTQ Leaders;
Giving Tuesday;
Supreme Court—U.S. v. Skrmetti;
Florida Rural Pride;
End-of-Year Virtual Briefing

October 2024

Florida Families File Brief Against Ban on Healthcare for Transgender Youth;
National LGBTQ Women’s Community Survey;
NCLR President spoke at University of Chicago;
Florida Rural Pride

September 2024

Victory for Transgender Kids in Arizona;
Conversion Therapy Remains Banned in Colorado;
Shannon Minter Featured in Twelve Soldiers Project;
Florida Rural Pride;
SCOTUS Agrees to Hear Healthcare Ban Case

August 2024

NCLR Continues to Fight in Oklahoma Parental Rights Case;
Massachusetts Passes Parentage Act;
SCOTUS Agrees to Hear Healthcare Ban Case;
Victory for Transgender Youth and Adults in Florida

Archive: Out for Justice (2010 – 2020)

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