
Statement by NCLR Federal Executive Director Kate Kendell, Esq.

(San Francisco, CA, October 31, 2011)—Today, Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand, D-NY, is expected to introduce the “Every Child Deserves a Family Act” (ECDF) in the Senate to help the nation’s 408,000 foster children find permanent and stable homes. The proposed legislation would prohibit states from excluding potential adoptive and foster parents because of their marital status, sexual orientation, or gender identity.

This is the first time that ECDF will be introduced in the Senate. The House bill (H.R. 1681) has 76 bi-partisan co-sponsors, and a similar effort is now underway to add co-sponsors in the Senate.

Statement by NCLR Executive Director Kate Kendell:

“There are over a hundred thousand children in foster care in need of safe and loving homes. Yet many parents who want to provide these homes are turned away because of their sexual orientation, gender identity, or marital status. This bill is vitally needed to allow more children to have what every child deserves—a safe and loving family.”

The National Center for Lesbian Rights is a national legal organization committed to advancing the civil and human rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people and their families through litigation, public policy advocacy, and public education.