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Our Voices

We’re on the right side of history. And we’re going to win.

This week marked the 3rd anniversary of my tenure at NCLR. This anniversary has another significance for those of us in the Bay Area: I started this job the same day California introduced a mandatory shelter-in-place order due to the global COVID pandemic. The pandemic punctuates the way many of us have experienced the past three years. Because the pandemic and my start at NCLR happened at the same time, for me, it has served as a reminder that we are inextricably interconnected, a...


New Staff Join the NCLR Team in 2023!

The NCLR team is growing in 2023! Help us welcome Lisa Oman and Rachel Berg.  Rachel Berg (she/her) – Staff Attorney Rachel joined NCLR because of her passion for civil rights law and her concern for LGBTQ rights around the country, especially in states like her home state of Tennessee.  Before NCLR, Rachel got her BA in Political Science at Vassar College, her Master of Science at the London School of Economics, and her J.D. at Fordham University School of Law. She has spent her career...


NCLR’s Legislative Priorities in the 118th Congress

It’s January of an odd-numbered year, which means a new Congress has just convened. Unlike the previous two years, we now have divided party control, making legislating even more difficult. While progress may be slowed, it is essential that NCLR and other LGBTQ civil rights organizations continue to have a presence on Capitol Hill, reminding members of the House and Senate that we expect them to act in the best interests of all of their constituents. So what’s on NCLR’s policy wish list this...


Born Perfect – Continuing Progress to Protect LGBTQ Youth from Conversion Therapy in 2023

Born Perfect – NCLR’s campaign to end conversion therapy – hit the ground running on New Year’s Day, and 2023 looks to be a year of record progress against this fraudulent practice, which has inflicted devastating harm on millions of LGBTQ youth and their families. At least four states have an opportunity to protect youth from this dangerous and discredited practice. NCLR’s Born Perfect campaign testified in favor of Minnesota’s new bill in January, and we are actively partnering with state...


NCLR has engaged in federal advocacy nearly since our founding 45 years ago, but the establishment of our DC office made participation in federal spaces – such as Congress and the White House – much more regular. As NCLR showed up in these spaces more frequently, the organization became more widely known among federal policymakers.  NCLR routinely joins LGBTQ partner organizations for bi-weekly calls with the White House, engages in regular meetings with other federal agencies, and...


An Advocate for Immigrants’ Rights – NCLR’s Immigration Project Associate

Even as Latinx Heritage Month has come to a close, we continue to uplift Latinx voices year-round.  This month, we are spotlighting our Immigration Project Associate Pamela Mercado Garcia (she/her/ella). Pamela works with our Immigration and Asylum team. In 1994, NCLR was the first national LGBTQ organization to launch an Immigration Project. As part of this program, the work that Pam does daily helps to carry on the life-saving work that this program has always focused on, including advancing...


A Q&A with NCLR’s Federal Policy Director in a Post-Roe America

On June 24, 2022, the Friday of Pride weekend for many major cities, the United States Supreme Court announced the reversal of Roe v. Wade with their decision in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization. We wanted to catch up with our Federal Policy Director Julianna S. Gonen to find out more about what this means for the LGBTQ community and our families – and what NCLR is doing to ensure reproductive justice for everyone going forward.  What was your initial reaction when then...


A Perspective: Change Can Be Good

People change – that’s a fact of life. My coming-out story is like many other LGBTQ individuals. My loved ones said horrible, hurtful things when I made the tough and personal decision to come out. I think about these experiences as I reflect on the recent decisions made by the U.S. Supreme Court, including their most recent ruling overturning Roe v. Wade. It’s easy to believe that things are changing for the worse. Without action, we could be headed back to a time with fewer rights and...


“Pride is working hard to dismantle systems of oppression against transgender people.” NCLR Pride Staff Spotlight – Misa Ridgway

NCLR Philanthropy Coordinator Misa Ridgway receives some gender affirmations during Pride Month! Happy Pride Month! This month, we not only celebrate the wins of the LGBTQ community as a whole, but we also want to highlight the wins achieved by queer individuals. Our very own Philanthropy Coordinator Misa Ridgway had a win of his own earlier this month in June 2022.  Misa joined NCLR around the same time that I did in the late fall of 2021. He was drawn to work at NCLR because he loves the...


Demand Economic Justice for All this Pride Month

Join the call by The National LGBTQ Anti-Poverty Action Network to show up for the Poor People’s Campaign’s Assembly & Moral March on June 18th in Washington, D.C. There are 140 million poor and working-class people in the United States – with 22% of LGBTQ people living in poverty. As an organization that fights for LGBTQ people and families, economic justice is a vital aspect of our movement. It is because of that that we are answering the call from the National LGBTQ Anti-Poverty Action...
