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“Love is the Answer to All the Important Questions

NCLR Executive Director Kate Kendell’s sister, Sharon, shared the below piece about her relationship with Kate at a big Mormon church gathering last month. Read Kate’s corresponding piece. By Sharon Ellsworth-Nielson Guest Columnist “Love is the answer to all the important questions.” When I heard this quote in 2010 by Richard Paul Evans at a conference, this simple truth resonated in me—FINALLY. Despite years of being a member of the Church and believing in the gospel, feeling pretty proud of...


All LGBTQ Kids Are #BornPerfect

Even as the LGBTQ community enjoys huge gains in understanding and acceptance. Even as we have key leaders from every sector and across every spectrum supporting our full equality and rejecting rank bigotry. Even as we seem closer than ever to winning the freedom to marry nationwide, a persistent and longstanding threat has reemerged. You have likely heard or read a chorus of anti-LGBTQ voices in the last few weeks supporting so-called “conversion therapy,” the vile practice used by some...


NCLR’s Legal Director Shannon Minter on Perry v Schwarzenegger Proceedings, Day 1

From the first moment to the closing bell, Judge Walker moved the proceedings forward at a rapid clip. It was a great day for our side, spiced with some intriguing hints from Judge Walker about how he may be viewing some of the key legal issues in the case. Ted Olson and San Francisco Deputy City Attorney Therese Stewart gave eloquent opening statements. Both plaintiff couples presented emotional and moving testimony during their examinations and cross-examinations. And by the end of the day,...


Analysis of Ninth Circuit Oral Argument in Perry v. Schwarzenegger (Federal Prop 8 Challenge)

Today was the long-awaited oral argument at the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals in Perry v. Schwarzenegger, the federal court challenge to Proposition 8. The Ninth Circuit is the federal appeals court that covers California. Today’s argument was heard by a panel of three judges, who will decide whether to uphold District Court Judge Vaughn Walker’s August ruling that Prop 8 is unconstitutional. The argument ran for almost two and a half hours, covering two basic questions: Do the proponents of...


FAQ: Documents and Protections for LGBTQ People and Their Families During COVID-19 Crisis

FAQ: Documents and Protections for LGBTQ People and Their Families During COVID-19 Crisis In the current Covid-19 (Coronavirus) pandemic, LGBTQ+ people may be considering how to protect themselves and their families, and what they wish to happen if they become seriously ill or incapacitated. This FAQ provides information about documents and other legal protections LGBTQ+ people can create to reflect their wishes. [You can download a PDF version of this FAQ here.] If you have more questions...


New Guide Promotes the Safety and Well-Being of LGBTQ Youth in the Justice System

NCLR has written a new practice guide for the Annie E. Casey Foundation entitled “Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Youth in the Juvenile Justice System,” which provides juvenile justice agencies the tools they need to ensure the safety and well-being of LGBTQ youth in their care. This groundbreaking publication documents the vulnerability of LGBTQ youth in our communities and in juvenile justice systems. Social stigma, family rejection, and discrimination subject LGBTQ youth to increased...


SOGIE Data Collection in Public Systems of Care: A Practice Guide for Santa Clara County

This practice guide provides an overview of SOGIE data collection in pubic youth-serving systems in California and nationally, discusses the lessons learned from these efforts, and conclude with recommendations for public agencies in Santa Clara County that are contemplating or implementing SOGIE data collection. SOGIE Data Collection in Public Systems of Care: A Practice Guide for Santa Clara County


Leelah: “My death needs to mean something”

“We are who we are, and there’s very little we can do to change our core. If we’re asked to change, there will be a chasm so deep inside of us that it will threaten our very life.” –Jodie Patterson, mother of transgender child The suicide last week of 17-year-old transgender girl Leelah Alcorn was a soul-crushing reminder of how our society is failing our transgender youth. Leelah’s parents rejected who she was and subjected her to conversion therapy, apparently believing the...


NCLR Urges U.N. Committee Against Torture to End Conversion Therapy

This Tuesday, I will walk into the historic Palais de Nations in Geneva, Switzerland to meet with representatives of the United Nations and the U.S. Department of State as part of the National Center for Lesbian Rights’ #BornPerfect campaign to protect LGBTQ youth from conversion therapy, the dangerous and discredited practice of attempting to change someone’s sexual orientation or gender identity through everything from talk therapy to exorcism to “orgasmic reconditioning.” Under the...


Born Perfect Presents “Bobby’s Big Problem”

At NCLR, we have been fighting to end the dangerous and discredited practice of conversion therapy even before we launched our Born Perfect campaign in 2014. Since then, we have passed laws in 20 states and more than 100 localities protecting LGBTQ youth from this harmful practice.  That’s why we are excited today to present Bobby’s Big Problem, co-created by Born Perfect and Enfranchisement Productions. This short film includes an all-star cast including Patton Oswalt, D’Arcy...


Born Perfect – Continuing Progress to Protect LGBTQ Youth from Conversion Therapy in 2023

Born Perfect – NCLR’s campaign to end conversion therapy – hit the ground running on New Year’s Day, and 2023 looks to be a year of record progress against this fraudulent practice, which has inflicted devastating harm on millions of LGBTQ youth and their families. At least four states have an opportunity to protect youth from this dangerous and discredited practice. NCLR’s Born Perfect campaign testified in favor of Minnesota’s new bill in January, and we are actively partnering with state...


Child Welfare League of America (CWLA) Best Practice Guidelines: Serving LGBTQ Youth in Out-of-Home Care

This easy-to-use resource contains the first-ever set of comprehensive professional guidelines for how child welfare and juvenile justice professionals can best serve LGBTQ youth in state care. The Best Practice Guidelines for Serving LGBTQ Youth in Out of Home Care developed out of recommendations from the Model Standards Project, a collaboration between Legal Services for Childrenand the National Center for Lesbian Rights. Download a PDF of the full publication Download a PDF of the...


National LGBTQ Legal Aid Forum

The National LGBTQ Legal Aid Forum is a listserv dedicated to improving legal services for low-income LGBTQ clients. This listserv is a forum for members to post questions and answers related to serving LGBTQ clients, and to share resources and updates on new developments in LGBTQ-related law. Legal aid advocates who are committed to effectively advocating for LGBTQ people and their families are invited to apply for membership. Attorneys from national, state and regional LGBTQ legal...


Privacy Policy

The National Center for Lesbian Rights has created this Privacy Policy to explain why we collect particular information and how we will protect your personal privacy within our web site, as well as how we handle and secure the privacy of our donors’ personal information. The following discloses our information gathering and dissemination practices for the web site located at the URL https://www.nclrights.org/ In order to fully understand your rights we encourage you to read this Privacy...


Anniversary Circle

The Anniversary Circle is a special group of donors who have made significant personal commitments to NCLR and the fight for equality. Anniversary Circle members are at the core of our work, championing NCLR as we champion LGBTQ people across the country. From our early days defending lesbian moms in child custody battles to the fight for marriage at the Supreme Court and on to a state by state elimination of the horrific practice of conversion therapy, Anniversary Circle members have been...


#BornPerfect: A Year In and We’re Not Backing Down

A year ago, we set out with a goal—protect LGBTQ children from conversion therapy by wiping out the dangerous and discredited practice in just five years. Since then, our #BornPerfect campaign has helped protect thousands of kids across the country from practices linked to severe depression, substance abuse, and even suicide. And we couldn’t have done it without you by our side. Here’s a snapshot: In #BornPerfect’s first year, we helped bring laws to Washington D.C., Oregon, and...


Tell #RNC2016 to #StopHate and Help End Conversion Therapy

The Republican National Convention will consider adding its support for conversion therapy—the dangerous practice of attempting to change one’s sexual orientation and gender identity—to the GOP platform when it meets July 18-21 in Cleveland. Please help us tell the #RNC2016 to #StopHate and protect LGBTQ people from the dangerous practice, which has been condemned by every major medical and mental health organizations and is known to lead to extreme depression and even suicide. You can use one...


Rachel H. Berg, Esq.

Rachel Berg works on NCLR’s nationwide impact litigation. She litigates the full range of NCLR’s civil practice, including transgender rights, education, sports, youth, and discrimination. Before joining NCLR, Rachel spent most of her career in private practice at large law firms in New York and Nashville, where she focused on class action litigation. While there, she also developed a substantial pro bono practice related to various social justice issues. Rachel clerked for the Honorable Eli...


High Court Strikes Massachusetts Abortion “Buffer Zone”

Today, the Supreme Court held that a Massachusetts law creating a 35-foot buffer zone for patients at clinics that provide abortions was too broad, but affirmed that laws in line with the Federal Access to Clinic Entrances (FACE) Act are valid, and implied that smaller anti-harassment zones could be valid. Buffer zones are important protectors of patient safety and clinic access, and the National Center for Lesbian Rights joined the National Women’s Law Center and several other...


NCLR’s Legal Director Shannon Minter on Perry v Schwarzenegger Proceedings, Day 8

Today was another blockbuster day in the Perry trial, with more razor sharp testimony from Professor Gary Segura, followed by disturbing testimony by one of the official proponents of Prop 8, Dr. Hak-Shing William (“Bill”) Tam. Yesterday closed with expert testimony from Professor Segura, an authority on political representation. The plaintiffs called Professor Segura to provide evidence that LGBTQ people lack sufficient political power to effectively protect their own interests through the...


Closing Arguments For Perry v. Schwarzenegger

It’s been several months since the parties wrapped up the presentation of evidence in Perry v. Schwarzenegger. Since then, they’ve been fighting over some issues about evidence, which are now all resolved.  Today, the advocates reconvened for a full day of closing arguments, watched closely by hundreds of spectators in two overflow courtrooms. In closing arguments, attorneys summarize the most important evidence from trial that supports their side. Today’s arguments overwhelmingly demonstrated...


CA Supreme Court Should Not Give Unprecedented Powers to Prop 8 Supporters

This morning, the California Supreme Court heard arguments on an important issue of California law that may affect whether the sponsors of Proposition 8 can continue to pursue their federal court appeal in Perry v. Brown, the case challenging Prop 8. The federal Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals is hearing the appeal from federal District Judge Vaughn R. Walker’s August 2010 ruling striking down Prop 8. This January, the Ninth Circuit asked the California Supreme Court to answer a specific...


NCLR Analysis: Got Married in Canada? Don’t Panic, But Protect Your Relationship

Yesterday, the thousands of American same-sex couples who have married in Canada since 2003 woke up to some shocking news:  The Canadian government had decided that all marriages of non-Canadian same-sex couples were invalid. As details have emerged, it’s become clear that the reality is far less dramatic than early reports made it out to be. First, let’s put to rest some misconceptions about what happened. Contrary to what some news reports have said, the Canadian government did not...


Love Wins: A Widow’s Marriage is Vindicated

When I first heard Jennifer’s story, I was angry and shocked. Not shocked in the sense of “how could something like this happen?”—I’ve been doing this work too long to be that naïve—but shocked in the way we are when faced with cruelty and a lack of common decency. Jennifer Tobits and Sarah “Ellyn” Farley married in Canada in 2006. Shortly after their wedding, Ellyn was diagnosed with cancer and passed away in September 2010. Jennifer had lost Ellyn, the love of her life. But in...


Get Involved

Get Involved Donate Now Give from your Donor-Advised Fund NCLR depends on donations from generous individuals like you to continue our cutting-edge civil rights work across the United States. The gift you make today will help us continue to transform the legal landscape for all LGBTQ people and our families. If you have any questions about making a donation to NCLR, please see our Donation FAQ. Other Ways to Give impact Club / Sustainer Fund Anniversary Circle Stocks and Mutual Funds Bequest...


FAQ: Legal Issues for LGBTQ+ Families In the Post-Roe Era

On June 24, 2022, the U.S. Supreme Court released its decision in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization, ruling that the U.S. Constitution does not guarantee access to abortion as a fundamental right, overturning Roe v. Wade and ending the longstanding recognition of that right. (Read NCLR’s statement about that decision.) Although abortion remains legal in many states, this decision has a devastating effect on many people seeking abortion care, particularly those who are low-income,...


NCLR’s Legal Director Shannon Minter on Perry v Schwarzenegger Proceedings, Day 2

The Perry plaintiffs had another great day in court. Professor Nancy Cott wrapped up her powerful testimony, which made three crucial points. First, Professor Cott provided a detailed historical account of how marriage restrictions based on race, ethnicity, and immigration status have been used “punitively” – to stigmatize and demean disfavored groups – in the same way that Prop 8 now stigmatizes same-sex couples. When these kinds of laws are enacted, she explained, many people believe they...


“Quackery” No More—CA Gov. Brown Signs Bill Protecting LGBTQ Youth From Psychological Abuse

“Relegated to the dustbin of quackery.” When I read those words from California Governor Jerry Brown after he signed Senate Bill 1172— the bill protecting LGBTQ minors from deceitful mental health professionals who falsely claim they can change sexual orientation or gender expression—into law, I thought “FINALLY!” With that powerful and apt description, Governor Brown has intervened to save current and future generations of young people from being subjected to a discredited, denounced,...


Embracing the Well-Being of Transgender Foster Youth

Earlier this month, California became the first state in the nation to enact legislation giving transgender children and youth in foster care the right to live in settings that reflect and respect their gender identity. Senate Bill 731 is a clear articulation of the state’s explicit commitment to treat all foster youth equally and to prohibit identity-based discrimination in foster care settings. The legislation erases any remaining confusion or uncertainty: child welfare workers who...


COVID-19: Another Reason to End Youth Incarceration

The onset of the COVID-19 pandemic has added a new and urgent justification for ending the harmful, ineffective and expensive practice of locking up youth who are in conflict with the law. Youth in custodial settings are at great risk of exposure to a highly contagious virus. Probation personnel, facility staff, attorneys, youth and others enter and leave these facilities every day, increasing the risk of contagion. Youth detention centers and prisons are notoriously unsanitary environments,...


New Staff Join the NCLR Team in 2023!

The NCLR team is growing in 2023! Help us welcome Lisa Oman and Rachel Berg.  Rachel Berg (she/her) – Staff Attorney Rachel joined NCLR because of her passion for civil rights law and her concern for LGBTQ rights around the country, especially in states like her home state of Tennessee.  Before NCLR, Rachel got her BA in Political Science at Vassar College, her Master of Science at the London School of Economics, and her J.D. at Fordham University School of Law. She has spent her career...


Jen Cornell

Jen Cornell is an attorney at the law firm of GBG LLP, a certified women-owned law firm.  Jen began her legal career in Minnesota, defending employers in nationwide wage-and-hour class and collective actions. Since moving her practice to California, her practice has expanded to primarily focus on California class and representative action under the California Private Attorneys General Act, with a particular emphasis on representing start-ups and tech companies. Jen also specializes in...


Darren Calhoun

I have a lot to be thankful for this Pride Month. When I was a 17-year-old college freshman in Chicago, I wrote a coming out poem to say, “I’m Black, I’m Christian, I’m gay—get used to it.” My parents initially thought it might be a phase, but, fortunately, were willing to accept me however I was. But I didn’t come out to my extended family. Most lived in other states so I only saw them during holidays. Like many LGBTQ people, I just avoided dating and relationship conversations. About a year...


NCLR’s Legal Director Shannon Minter on Perry v Schwarzenegger Proceedings, Day 9

After two weeks of powerful and often emotional evidence, the plaintiffs presented their last live witness today. On Monday, after playing some videos of deposition testimony, the plaintiffs will rest their case, and then the defendants will have their turn. Typically, at the end of all witness testimony, the attorneys present closing arguments. This morning Judge Walker announced that there will be a two week break before closing arguments to give the parties a chance to review the evidence....


Witness to History: My Morning at the Supreme Court

Sometimes you just have to sit back and say wow. I am writing this at a desk in our Washington D.C. office, but just a few hours ago, I was sitting in the courtroom of the United States Supreme Court, listening to oral argument in the challenge to California’s Proposition 8. I will get to my impressions of the argument and where I think we might be headed in our Prop 8 saga in a bit. First, though, I want to take a moment just to breathe and acknowledge the history-making nature of this...


Making a Difference at the National Center for Lesbian Rights

When I joined the National Center for Lesbian Rights (NCLR) as its Major Gifts Officer in February, I felt like I finally found my home—an organization that not only embraces every part of me as a Blacklesbian, but also is devoted to protecting every member of the diverse lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender community. Not leaving anyone behind in its pursuit of equality and justice is ingrained into all aspects of its work, which has transformed the nation’s legal and political landscape...


No Time for a Honeymoon

Today, America is closer to being a country that walks the talk of “Equal Justice Under Law.” After last week’s U.S. Supreme Court ruling in our Tennessee marriage case (one of four cases before the Court), striking down discriminatory state marriage laws and affirming our freedom to marry, millions of families are more equal and secure.  Today, in every corner of this nation, every lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender person can take a deep breath and walk a little taller. The ground has...


I am the B in LGBT

Three days ago, I had the privilege of visiting the White House for the first-ever Bisexual Awareness Policy Briefing. This honor came to me as a board member of BiNet USA, an organization dedicated to raising the visibility of the bisexual community and awareness of issues affecting them. Being at the White House this week, with more than 100 activists who identify as bisexual and bi plus was exhilarating—and a long way from the day seven years ago  when I came out as bi. Like a lot of...


Now that Trump Has Been Elected, Can Our Marriage Be Undone?

Now that Trump has won the presidential election, we are hearing concerns and fears from many same-sex couples who are concerned that their marriages may be challenged or invalidated.  We are also hearing from couples who are not yet married, but worried that they may lose the right to marry under a Trump administration. While there are many reasons for concern about the new administration, the freedom to marry—and the security of our existing marriages—are not in serious jeopardy. There is no...


Standing Up to Attempts to Take Down Marriage Equality.

In North Carolina this week, anti-LGBTQ extremists tried to do the unthinkable. They introduced House Bill 780, also known as the “Uphold Historical Marriage Act” in an attempt to turn back the clock and, once again, whip up anti-LGBTQ sentiment. The bill directly challenges the Supreme Court’s 2015 marriage equality ruling in Obergefell v. Hodges by seeking to nullify same-sex couples’ marriages.   North Carolina Governor Roy Cooper weighed in yesterday: “This bill is wrong. We need more...


The Facts About MPOX

PRINT VERSION (PDF) MPOX (also known as monkeypox) is a rare illness that began spreading in the United States starting in Spring 2022. While MPOX has to date primarily been spreading through the gay and bisexual male, men who have sex with men (MSM), and transgender communities, it is important to remember that anyone can still contract MPOX. To keep yourself & the community safe, it is good to recognize the signs and symptoms of MPOX and how to avoid it. How it Spreads According to the...


Issue Call: LGBTQ Anti-Poverty Work and Rural Pride

Join NCLR for an update on our programs!  This is an opportunity to hear from Tyrone Hanley, Senior Policy Council, about our work with the LGBTQ Anti Poverty network, and from Ming Wong, Supervising Helpline Attorney, about our Rural Pride program. You’ll meet our new Executive Director, Imani Rupert Gordon. Participants can submit questions in advance of the call and can join as many calls as they’d like. NCLR’s work remains steady in our mission to advance LGBTQ justice for our communities....


Issue Call: Reproductive Justice, Family Law, Elder Law

Join NCLR for a series of Briefing Calls to hear about specific areas of our work. The Legal Team will present updates on our case work, advocacy efforts and public education. NCLR’s new Executive Director, Imani Rupert-Gordon, will talk about her experience as a movement leader. Cathy Sakimura, Deputy Director, will speak about Family Law, a founding pillar of NCLR’s legal advocacy work. Julie Gonen, Policy Director, will discuss Reproductive Justice and advocacy efforts. Amy Whelan, Senior...


Issue Call: Born Perfect Campaign to End Conversion Therapy

Join NCLR for a series of Briefing Calls to hear about specific areas of our work. The Legal Team will present updates on our case work, advocacy efforts and public education. NCLR’s new Executive Director, Imani Rupert-Gordon, will talk about her experience as a movement leader. Shannon Minter, Legal Director, and Mathew Shurka, Co-Founder of NCLR’s Born Perfect, will speak about our work to end the dangerous Conversion Therapy. Participants can submit questions in advance of the call and can...


Issue Call: Youth in Locked Facilities, Trans Youth Work, and Challenges to Anti-LGBTQ Curriculum Laws

Join NCLR for a series of Briefing Calls to hear about specific areas of our work. The Legal Team will present updates on our case work, advocacy efforts and public education. NCLR’s new Executive Director, Imani Rupert-Gordon, will talk about her experience as a movement leader. Shannan Wilbur, Youth Policy Director, will speak about advocacy for Youth in Locked Facilities. Asaf Orr, Transgender Youth Project Senior Staff Attorney, will talk about our work to protect Trans youth and their...


What it Means to You: Historic Supreme Court Title VII Ruling

Shannon Minter, Legal Director, will present an overview of the historic Title VII decision from the Supreme Court as well as updates on our national work. Participants can submit questions in advance of the call and can join as many calls as they’d like. NCLR’s work remains steady in our mission to advance LGBTQ justice for our communities. Thank you for being part of our family–we look forward to seeing you soon! If you have any questions please reach out to Lexi Adsit, Donor...


Issue Call: Immigration & Asylum

Join NCLR for a series of Briefing Calls to hear about specific areas of our work. The Legal Team will present updates on our case work, advocacy efforts and public education. NCLR’s new Executive Director, Imani Rupert-Gordon, will talk about her experience as a movement leader. Ming Wong, Supervising Helpline Attorney, and Mateo Sanchez, Immigration Project Assistant, speak about our Immigration and Asylum program that serves LGBTQ people and their families. Participants can submit questions...


California Safe Schools Coalition’s Question and Answer Guides

These two guides were developed for school district officials and administrators. The first guide explains school districts’ responsibility to protect students from harassment and discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity. The second guide answers questions regarding parental permission and notification for education on tolerance and diversity. California State Senator Sheila James Kuehl wrote a letter introducing these publications to the school officials....


FAQ: Federal Hospital Visitation Rules

On April 15, 2010, President Barack Obama issued a memo directing the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to adopt new regulations that would require nearly all hospitals to grant equal visitation rights to all families, not just those based on marriage or biological ties. In the memo, President Obama specifically talked about same-sex couples as an example of families that have been unfairly kept apart when one partner is hospitalized. Open pdf


California Statutory Forms for Assisted Reproduction (AB 960)

Intended parents using assisted reproduction (other than surrogacy) in California can use state forms to protect their families.  California provides form language in its statutes that can be used to show the intentions of parents and donors involved in the conception of a child and who should be the child’s parents. Those forms, created by AB 960, are included in this publication. This publication also has answers to questions you might have about the law and how to protect your family...


National LGBTQ Anti-Poverty Action Network COVID-19 Resource List

If you have questions, updates, edits, or suggestions for the resource guide, please let us know Covid-19 Resource Pages LGBTQ-Specific Equality Federation Centerlink NCTE National LGBT Cancer Network LGBTQ Allyship (Washington State) Oasis Legal Services (Bay Area/California)   Verified LGBTQ+ Affirming and Immigrant Friendly Resources Providing Services During COVID-19 (Asylum Connect)  SF Bay Area LGBTQ Leather Kink Community Resources San Francisco Bay Area Kink Community...


Deb Cuny

I was brought up in what some people might refer to as a fundamentalist Christian household where church and God were at the center of our home. We would joke that there are Christians and then there are Christians. People who might go to church but that doesn’t mean that they were devout or living and breathing a real relationship with God. It was very much a point of pride in my family. When you’ve been brought up in such a very strong religious community you know the rules and you know what...


Healthcare is Caring

HealthCare is Caring   Parents play a critical role in ensuring that transgender youth get the care and support they need, including supportive healthcare. Transgender healthcare is recognized as the standard of care by every major medical association, including the American Medical Association, the American Psychological Association, and the American Academy of Pediatrics. The treatments are safe and effective, and the same treatments have long been prescribed for other related medical...


Connecting the Dots: Reproductive Equity, Family Regulation, & Black Maternal Health

Brooklyn’s Family Court was rife with gossip during my time representing children, teens, and young adults involved with the family regulation[1] (also known as “child welfare”) system. One rumor concerned youths living in institutions who had removed their own IUDs, hoping to become pregnant. Its tellers’ tones were contemptuous toward the young people who had risked their health in pursuit of riskier pregnancies that would destroy their futures. I winced in imagined pain and went on to the...


Stocks & Mutual Funds

There are a number of ways to support the National Center for Lesbian Rights and the movement for LGBTQ equality. If you own stock or mutual funds, it may be more tax-wise to contribute these shares than cash. This is because a gift of appreciated stock or mutual funds generally provides you a two-fold tax advantage. First, you avoid paying capital gains tax on the increase in the value of the stock or mutual funds. Second, you receive a federal income tax deduction for the full fair market...


Join the Conversation

Stay up to date with NCLR!  If you would like to stay connected to NCLR please fill out the form below.  We send regular emails about NCLR’s work, our newsletter and events.  If you would like to sign up for text message notifications, be sure to fill out the Text Message Opt In section below.  


URGENT ACTION: Submit comments opposing the Proposed Rule on Asylum

SUBMIT COMMENTS SUMMARY OF ISSUE In early June, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and the Executive Office of Immigration Review (EOIR) proposed a new rule that would effectively destroy the asylum process in the United States. This rule would make it almost impossible for survivors of gender-based violence – including women, and LGBTQ+ people, especially those lacking legal representation – to obtain asylum in the United States. Instead countless people will be forcibly returned to...


National LGBT Legal Aid Forum Confirmation

Your application for membership to the National LGBT Legal Aid Forum has been received. Your application will be reviewed by the list administrators, and you will be notified within two weeks. Here are some other resources that you might find useful: Become a Cooperating Attorney—Cooperating Attorneys are those who have indicated that they are LGBT-friendly, and willing to have their contact information shared with callers to NCLR’s Legal Information Helpline in their area. If you are...


In re M.A.G.

M.A.G. fled his country fearing for his life and safety as a gay man. Once in the U.S., he searched unsuccessfully for a long time for an attorney who could represent him and that he could afford. Three days before the asylum filing deadline, he was referred to NCLR. These cases usually take months to prepare but given that this was a life or death situation, our immigration project team did everything we could to put together a case for him and submit all the necessary materials in the course...


In Honor / In Memoriam

Making a gift to NCLR in memory or in honor of someone you know is a beautiful way to pay tribute and let them know you care. This is truly the gift that keeps on giving. NCLR will send a personal handwritten card to all honorees for a gift of any amount, and we will send you an acknowledgement for your records.  If you choose to make NCLR the beneficiary of memorial gifts, we will notify you of each gift made in your loved one’s honor and list them accordingly in NCLR annual...


NCLR Analysis: Latest on LGBTQ Cases at the Supreme Court—What to Expect and When

As was widely expected, the Supreme Court today declined to take any action on three important cases involving the rights of same-sex couples, including the challenge to California’ Proposition 8 and one of several challenges to the so-called Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA).  (See my Huffington Post blog post for a preview of the Court’s LGBTQ cases this term.) At this point, we still do not have any information about whether the Court will take any of these cases, or whether it will let the...


Carol Meyer and Julie Hash

Carol and Julie are sisters who grew up in Nebraska and now have a family practice in Dallas, Texas with a three-decade history at one of the world’s leading financial management and advisory companies. Their team, The Meyer Group, specializes in developing investment solutions for the unique financial planning issues of their LGBTQ clientele. Why do you support LGBTQ civil and human rights? Seven years ago we were invited by our local manager to represent the firm on the Diversity and...


Patricia Martel and Beverly Colon

Get to know your fellow National Center for Lesbian Rights champions! Pat has worked for 30 years in local government management and is currently the City Manager of Daly City. Bev is a Psychiatric Social Worker with Kaiser Permanente and has had a private therapy practice in San Francisco. Why do you support LGBTQ civil and human rights? The quality of our lives as Latina lesbians and those of future generations of LGBTQ people depends on the efforts that we put forth today to achieve full...


Coming Out Against Conversion Therapy

Today, on National Coming Out Day, countless lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ) people around the world will find the courage,  through one another, to tell the world who they really are. But this day is more than a just a celebration of the freedom to be ourselves.  It commemorates the 1987 National March on Washington, a grass roots protest against the Supreme Court decision in Bowers v. Hardwick upholding criminal sodomy laws, and the Reagan administration’s refusal to...


Our Goal—End Conversion Therapy in Five Years

No child should ever be hurt because of who they are. That’s why we started the #BornPerfect campaign to end conversion therapy across the country over the next five years. We need your financial support to make it happen. All attempts to change their sexual orientation or gender identity through conversion therapy damage LGBTQ youth, causing depression, substance abuse, and even suicide. Conversion therapy has been condemned by every major medical and mental health organization in the...


Joint Statement on the Sentencing of Michael L. Johnson

Counter Narrative Project, Positive Women’s Network (PWN-USA), HIV Prevention Justice Alliance, and the National Center for Lesbian Rights On Monday July 13, 2015, Michael L. Johnson was sentenced to 30½  years in prison (a concurrent sentence) after being convicted of “recklessly infecting a partner with HIV” and “recklessly exposing partners to the virus.” We are outraged by this sentencing and Johnson’s incarceration. This represents a failure of the justice system and a blatant...


Supreme Court Order Marks the End of Legal Challenges to New Jersey’s Ban on Conversion Therapy for Minors

On February 29, 2016, the U.S. Supreme Court declined to review Doe v. Christie, a case challenging New Jersey’s law prohibiting state-licensed therapists from engaging in the discredited practice of conversion therapy with patients under 18 years of age. The Supreme Court’s order allows the law to remain in full effect and marks the final chapter in a nearly three-year-long series of challenges filed by Liberty Counsel, an anti-LGBTQ legal group. NCLR was proud to join Garden State Equality...


I survived eight years of conversion therapy. But I fought back.

My name is Kate McCobb and I survived eight years of conversion therapy.  This is my story.In 2006, when I was 25, I began seeing a therapist who fixated on the fact I was a lesbian – even though I didn’t seek counseling about that. He insisted that my attraction to women was pathological, a result of childhood sexual abuse even though I had no memories of that at all.He claimed that with his help, my brain could be “rewired” to reveal my “true self” – a...


Just As They Are: Protecting Our Children from the Harms of Conversion Therapy

The Human Rights Campaign and the National Center for Lesbian Rights released Just As They Are, a comprehensive resource for parents on the harmful practice known as “conversion therapy.” The guide helps parents recognize when and how conversion therapy is promoted, provides information about the dangers of the practice, and outlines best practices for parents seeking to promote the health and well-being of their LGBTQ child, including finding inclusive counseling services...


Danielle (Danny) King, Esq.

Danielle (Danny) King is the Senior Youth Policy Counsel at the National Center for Lesbian Rights (NCLR), where they practice through an intersectional lens to advance the well-being of LGBTQ youth through community education, collaboration with coalitions, and public policy advocacy, particularly for LGBTQ youth impacted by the Child Welfare and Juvenile Justice Systems. Danielle (Danny) first joined NCLR in 2021, as a Gender Equality Attorney where they engaged in legal research and...


Nesta N. Johnson, Esq.

Nesta joined NCLR as a staff attorney in 2020, continuing a career focused on advocating for the rights of children and families. Nesta graduated in 2008 with a BA from Stony Brook University, where she majored in Philosophy. In 2013, Nesta was awarded her JD from the George Washington University Law School, where she did clinical work in medical torts, domestic violence advocacy, and family law. During her five-year tenure as a staff attorney with The Legal Aid Society’s Juvenile Rights...


In Annapolis Today, Where Governor O’Malley’s Marriage Bill Is Being Heard

By Liz Seaton NCLR State Policy Director I head over to Annapolis, MD today to testify in favor of marriage equality in the Senate Judicial Proceedings Committee. A little history and perspective on Maryland, where I live, and our struggle here for the freedom marry. I first testified in favor of a marriage equality bill in the Maryland State House in 1999, when progressive state legislators introduced a proactive marriage bill to counter a proposed state DOMA bill. With losses on DOMAs in so...


Bequest or Planned Gift

Bequest or Planned Gift Leaving a legacy gift to NCLR could be one of the most important decisions you make toward protecting yourself, your family and our community. An investment of this magnitude ensures NCLR will be here and able to combat injustice and safeguard the rights of LGBTQ people. Legacy decisions are unique and often shifting with life’s changes. We are here to support your interests when you are ready. If you have already included NCLR in your estate plans or will, please share...


NCLR and HRC Release Sample Legislation to End Conversion Therapy on LGBTQ Youth

(San Francisco, CA, October 20, 2015)—Today, the National Center for Lesbian Rights (NCLR), a national legal organization committed to advancing the civil and human rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) people and their families, and the Human Rights Campaign (HRC), the nation’s largest LGBTQ civil rights organization, released sample legislation for state legislators and equality groups who want to protect LGBTQ youth from the dangerous and discredited practice of...


Congress Demands Trans Military Ban Answers: NCLR, GLAD Commend Action

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contacts: Lauren Gray, Communications Director, NCLR lgray@nclrights.org / (215) 983-3099 Amanda Johnston, Director of Public Affairs & Education, GLAD ajohnston@glad.org / (617) 417-7769 Legal Advocates in Fight Against Trump Transgender Military Ban Praise Congressional Demand for Answers More than 100 Members of Congress wrote to Sec. Mattis...


Born Perfect Congratulates German Parliament for Passing Law to End Harmful Practice of Conversion Therapy

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEMay 7, 2020 Born Perfect Congratulates German Parliament for Passing Law to End Harmful Practice of Conversion Therapy New legislation is just second of its kind in the European Union and makes Germany the most prominent nation in the world to address this issue BERLIN, GERMANY — Today, the German Bundestag passed legislation that would ban conversion therapy nationwide in the European nation. The new law bans the harmful practice – which aims to change the...


Born Perfect Applauds Governor Hobbs’ Executive Order Making Arizona the 27th State to Protect Youth from the Dangerous Practice of Conversion Therapy

PHOENIX, AZ – Today, Governor Hobbs made history by signing an executive order prohibiting licensed therapists from subjecting minors to conversion therapy, a dangerous practice that seeks to change a young person’s sexual orientation or gender identity. With her order, Arizona is now the 27th state to protect youth from this deadly practice, whether by legislation, regulations, or executive actions. “We applaud Governor Hobbs for her leadership in protecting LGBTQ youth and their families...


Born Perfect Responds to Michigan Law Protecting LGBTQ Youth from the Dangerous Practice of Conversion Therapy

LANSING, MI – Today, Governor Whitmer signed a bill prohibiting licensed therapists in Michigan from subjecting minors to conversion therapy, a dangerous practice that seeks to change a young person’s sexual orientation or gender identity. In June 2021, the Governor issued an executive order barring the use of state funds for conversion therapy. The new law both codifies that directive and prohibits state-licensed therapists from subjecting minor patients to conversion therapy.  STATEMENT...


NCLR’s Legal Director Shannon Minter on Perry v Schwarzenegger Proceedings, Day 3

As other bloggers and news outlets have reported, the U.S. Supreme Court issued a final order today preventing the trial from being broadcast. The 5-4 opinion was unsigned, meaning that its authorship was not attributed to any one justice.  The court largely ducked the substantive issue of whether federal trials should be more accessible to a broader public, holding that the San Francisco district court judges had not followed the proper procedures when they amended the local court rules to...


NCLR’s Legal Director Shannon Minter on Perry v Schwarzenegger Proceedings, Day 6

This morning we heard first from Jerry Sanders, the Republican Mayor of San Diego. I remember Mayor Sanders well from the 2008 election — he made a heartfelt and courageous statement about his lesbian daughter and why he opposed Proposition 8 that, to me, was one of the most profound moments of the campaign. Mayor Sanders’ testimony today was similarly powerful.  Adding to the star power of the day, San Francisco City Attorney Dennis Herrera conducted Mayor Sander’s examination. Mayor Sanders,...


NCLR’s Legal Director Shannon Minter on Perry v Schwarzenegger Proceedings, Day 11

Today was one of the most dramatic days of the trial, with startling admissions by the proponents’ two expert witnesses: Professor Kenneth Miller, testifying about the political power of gay people, and David Blankenhorn, testifying about the purposes of marriage. The morning began with the conclusion of David Boies’s cross-examination of Professor Miller. Boies confronted Prof. Miller with several of Prof. Miller’s own earlier writings, which were highly critical of the ballot initiative...


NCLR’s Legal Director Shannon Minter on Perry v Schwarzenegger Proceedings, Day 12

Today was the final day of testimony in Perry v. Schwarzenegger. Like every day before it, today was remarkable. The majority of the day was spent on finishing up the cross-examination of David Blankenhorn, an expert witness for the defendants. As he did yesterday, renowned attorney David Boies absolutely nailed the examination. Blankenhorn did nothing to help himself, fighting Boies’s yes-or-no questions at every turn even when Boies was simply laying a basic foundation with uncontroversial...


In Maryland, Lies Will Not Stop Passage of Laws To Protect Transgender People

By Liz Seaton NCLR State Policy Director All of us who have worked long and hard for equality under the law for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people know how strangely eager some people are to twist and distort the truth about us and our lives. Their ultimate goal? To dissuade public officials from passing laws to end discrimination.  I won’t even dignify the ugliest things they say by repeating them, but you know what I am talking about. Our opponents also make sweeping claims about...


All For One And One For All

I have been lucky enough to have had many mentors who led by modeling the adage “we are all in this together.” At a time of such tremendous gains for the LGBTQ community in this country, I am mindful every day of the importance of that mindset. There is an often unseen—but nevertheless unbreakable—link between all civil rights and social justice movements. At our best, we learn from and lean on each other, and together we reinforce the ethic of a true commitment to justice. When I was asked by...


We Have a New Look!

We have a new look! We’ve been working hard over the last few months on creating a new website—looking at it from every angle—to provide you with one of the best resources for LGBTQ legal issues. Every section was analyzed. Every page was revamped. And we thought of you, specifically making www.NCLRights.org easier for you to navigate, breaking it down into the specific sections that we know you rely on. Here’s what you’ll find: RESPONSIVE DESIGN The new website was developed using what’s...


Working to Ensure the Safety of Transgender Individuals

Interacting with law enforcement can be stressful for anyone. This is especially true of transgender individuals who all too often face discrimination, inappropriate comments, and hostility.  While most law enforcement personnel want to do what is right, we hear from many transgender people about the demeaning and degrading experiences they have had while under police custody. That’s why the National Center for Lesbian Rights, along with several other national and local LGBTQ groups, worked...


Quality Legal Services for the Low-Income LGBTQ Community

Recently, a colleague at a legal aid organization told me about a client who came in for help because he had quit his job. It wasn’t until the attorney gave the client an overview of their legal programs, including their LGBTQ work, that the client opened up and said he had quit because he was being harassed at work for being gay. Without this kind of information, they would have never had a case. This story reinforced what we, at the National Center for Lesbian Rights, had known—that even a...


When Marriage Is Not Enough: What same-sex couples need to know about protecting their families

Marriage equality across the nation has been moving at a breakneck speed and it shows no sign of stopping. Achieving this new legal benefit has been an incredible advancement for the rights and dignity of all LGBTQ people. But it’s also important to remember that even though marriage provides thousands of couples and their families with many new legal protections, marriage alone is not enough to fully protect all LGBTQ families. Same-sex spouses and transgender spouses need to know that they...


Beyond the Schoolhouse Gates: The Need to Educate the School Community about Transgender Students

Each year, as the new school year begins, my social media feeds are filled with stories of families of transgender youth asking school and district administrators to respect and affirm their child’s gender identity. Overwhelmingly, administrators and teachers are stepping up, educating themselves about how to meet the unique needs of transgender students in school. Some school systems have even devoted precious staff training time on this topic. Taking these steps fosters a safe and welcoming...


Gender Affirming Services for all California Foster Children

NCLR is proud to collaborate with Family Builders and the Center for the Study of Social Policy on getR.E.A.L. California–an initiative aimed at promoting the healthy sexual and identity development of all children involved with the California child welfare system. The initiative partners have produced a new issue brief aimed at helping child welfare professionals support and affirm transgender and gender nonconforming (TGNC) children in foster care. As numerous other state legislatures...


Your Voice Matters: Write to Help Transgender Veterans

Providing healthcare to all of our nation’s veterans is the right thing to do.  Federal law requires the Veterans Administration (“VA”) to “furnish hospital care and medical services” to veterans. For most veterans, this means that after serving in the military they receive comprehensive medical care from the VA. Right now, transgender veterans’ healthcare coverage is at risk. On July 9, the Trump Administration announced it will be deciding whether to provide transgender veterans with...


#NCLR2020 Remarks by NCLR Executive Director Imani Rupert-Gordon

Good evening and thank you for spending tonight with us. My name is Imani Rupert-Gordon, my pronouns are she/her/hers and I am honored to be the new executive director for the National Center for Lesbian Rights.  I’m thrilled to be here. And I want to acknowledge that my heart is in Minneapolis right now, so I want to start with a message to the folks who are a part of the uprising that has spent the last several days demanding justice for George Floyd and for countless black citizens...


NCLR’s Response to Justices Alito and Thomas

You have been by our side for a long time, through moments of thrilling victory and through many moments of peril and uncertainty as well.   We know you look to us to do our research, be one step ahead of our foes, and be ready to pivot and fight until we win the rights and achieve the lived equality we all deserve.  Rest assured, we are working harder than ever to respond to inequities and create a more just world. This past week, Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito, joined by...


SCOTUS Leak is a Wake-Up Call for America – It’s Time to Fight

We will not sugarcoat this: the leak this week of a Supreme Court majority opinion overturning Roe v. Wade, a ruling that would eliminate the constitutional right to abortion, is extremely alarming.  It is also a wake-up call.  While we do not know if the leaked opinion in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization will be the final one issued, it is nonetheless shocking to read a draft opinion showing just how extreme and dangerous the Court has become over the last decade. A...


In re G.C.

G.C. is from Mexico and has been in the United States since 2005. G.C. has suffered so much throughout her life and been targeted for being a masculine lesbian. Because of that past suffering, it is really hard for her to speak about her past experiences, which is why it took her more than ten years to seek legal help. Applying for asylum is a very stressful and often traumatic experience that forces people to recount experiences they would rather forget. Our Immigration Project team was able...


2019 Men’s and Friends Holiday Happy Hour

Join us on Thursday, December 5th for NCLR’s annual Men’s and Friends Holiday Happy Hour! It will be a fabulous evening of cocktails and holiday cheer. You’ll also have an opportunity to meet other NCLR supporters and NCLR staff, and hear updates on our executive search. Everyone is welcome and encouraged to attend, so please invite your friends! Here are the details: NCLR’s Men’s and Friends Holiday Happy Hour & Fundraiser Thursday, December 5 | 6:00pm – 8:00pm Virgil’s Sea...


Transgender Equality : A Handbook for Activists and Policymakers

This handbook provides activists and policymakers with the tools they need to pass transgender-inclusive non-discrimination and anti-violence legislation. Written by three of the gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender movement’s brightest transgender scholar-activists, Transgender Equality is an invaluable resource guide, providing an introduction to transgender issues, model language for legislation, talking points, responses to frequently asked questions, and a comprehensive resource...


What to Know About Title IX

In April 2023, after years of sustained advocacy, the Department of Education proposed a new rule affirming that Title IX secures the right of transgender, non-binary, and intersex students to play school sports free from discriminatory rules that seek to ban them. This is the first time that the Title IX rules would address trans students’ eligibility to participate on sex-separated athletic teams. The following is the full text of the proposed rule: If a recipient adopts or applies...


2023 NCLR Virtual Briefing + Year in Review

Join NCLR leadership, legal and policy teams for a virtual update to hear how we are meeting this unprecedented moment. This is an opportunity to connect with the NCLR team and hear about our continued fight for LGBTQ justice. The program will include a Q+A with the speakers. Questions can be sent to our panelist in advance: development@nclrights.org Register for the December 11 NCLR...


Corporate Partner & Workplace Giving

Become a National Ally! With a gift of $25,000 or more, companies and law firms can join NCLR’s fight for equality, and exemplify the leadership it takes to create a just and equitable future to their employees, partners and the community. Become a National Ally Invite NCLR to your organization to share our work and engage your employees as donors.  Contact our Development Team to discuss a lunch & learn with our legal and development teams. NCLR supporters dramatically increase their...


Dovel v. Public Library of Cincinatti & Hamilton County

NCLR, along with Gerhardstein & Branch and the Law Office of Scott Knox, represented Rachel Dovel in a lawsuit against her employer, the Public Library of Cincinnati and Hamilton County, for denying her access to medically necessary transition-related care. Ms. Dovel argued that the ban on sex affirming surgery discriminated against her based on sex in violation of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Equal Protection Clause of the U.S. Constitution, and also violated the...


Family Protection Project flyer

The Family Protection Project helps legal services organizations and pro bono attorneys gain the specialized knowledge that is necessary to adequately serve LGBTQ families. NCLR offers trainings and reference materials for attorneys on LGBTQ family law in targeted states. Additionally, we provide technical assistance to attorneys who are representing low income clients and helps low-income LGBTQ families find your services through our toll-free national helpline. Download PDF


Part Three: A New Identity

By Huong T. Nguyen NCLR Guest Columnist Year: 1994 How lucky am I? A little over two years ago, I was up a creek without a paddle. No money for school, no way to get out of town, no escape from my family dysfunction. Today, I’m living my American dream. The one I’ve been yearning for since leaving Vietnam for the land of opportunity. Of course, it’s not the rags-to-riches-Hollywood-movie kind. Or an awe-inspiring-Nobel-Peace-Prize kind. My dream is modest, like most. But the best part is that...


Beyond Equality: Combating Violence Against Trans Women of Color

On July 30th, a 15-year old trans girl was stabbed on a metro platform in Washington, D.C. Though it has not yet been formally designated a hate crime, given the facts surrounding the incident, it seems clear that this young girl was attacked because of her gender identity. This is sadly the case for most violence against trans people, particularly trans women of color. While the victim of this horrendous crime is fortunately in stable condition, this is not the case for many of our sisters...


NCLR and USDA Partnership Furthers LGBTQ Equality

For the past two years, NCLR has partnered with the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) and the True Colors Fund on our #RuralPride campaign, in which we visit rural communities across the country and conduct day-long summits to identify the needs and lift up the voices of LGBTQ people living in rural America. We have visited towns across the South and Midwest, from coast to coast, working to connect federal officials and national LGBTQ organizations with rural LGBTQ advocates to increase...


Malkia Hutchinson

Malkia Hutchinson brings a wealth of experience in strategic communications and advocacy to her role as the Director of Media and Communications at NCLR. Within this position, Malkia oversees the implementation of the organization’s strategic long-term and day-to-day communications. With a career dedicated to advancing social justice causes, Malkia has honed her skills in building relationships with diverse stakeholders, crafting values-based communication strategies, and amplifying the voices...


NCLR Legal Analysis: President Obama Defends Justice by Rejecting DOMA

Today brings momentous news from President Barack Obama and the federal Department of Justice about the discriminatory and offensive so-called “Defense of Marriage Act,” or DOMA. This morning, Attorney General Eric Holder announced that, at the urging of the President, as well as based upon Mr. Holder’s own assessment, the Department of Justice will no longer defend Section 3 of DOMA—the section that prohibits the federal government from recognizing legal marriages between same-sex couples....


Family Acceptance Project Publishes Pioneering Resource for Youth Suicide Prevention

For the past decade, Dr. Caitlin Ryan of the Family Acceptance Project (FAP) at SF State University has been studying the impact of family acceptance and rejection on suicide risk among LGBTQ youth. Today we’d like to take this moment to congratulate FAP and Dr. Ryan on their truly groundbreaking work. Because youth suicide is typically the result of many complex interacting factors, our community needs comprehensive suicide prevention strategies and interventions to reduce the risk to LGBTQ...


A Dream Come True: Young LGBTQ Immigrants Need Not Fear Deportation For Being Brought to This Country as Children

Today, in a courageous and much needed policy shift, the Obama administration announced that it will stop all deportations of undocumented young people who were brought  to the United States  as children and have remained in the country for at least five continuous years, are under the age of 30, have either obtained a high school diploma or GED, or have served in our country’s military, and have no prior criminal history. This is the right thing to do, and will bring an end to the unfair,...


Obama Administration Takes New Steps to Protect Children of LGBTQ Federal Workers

Last week, the U.S. Office of Personnel Management (OPM) took a major step towards ensuring family equality for its federal employees. In the Administration’s continued efforts to provide equal benefits to LGBTQ federal employees, OPM proposed a rule that will extend important benefits to children of same-sex couples. OPM’s proposed rule will allow federal employees who receive health care insurance though the federal government to cover their partner’s children even if the partner is not a...


The Case of Jane Doe: How Public Systems Fail Our Most Vulnerable Youth

The plight of Jane Doe, a 16-year-old transgender girl in the custody of Connecticut’s Department of Children and Families (DCF), should provoke national outrage. Jane’s story represents one of the most devastating examples of how public systems fail the most vulnerable youth in their care and custody. Removed from her family at the tender age of five, Jane has endured unrelenting brutality and abuse while in the custody of the system charged with protecting her.  Despite the fact that Jane...


ERPA Would Close Gap Between Disenfranchised and Law Enforcement

The End Racial Profiling Act of 2015 (ERPA), introduced by Representative John Conyers (D-Mich.) and Senator Ben Cardin (D-Md.), is the latest iteration of a federal bill to eliminate racial profiling in law enforcement, including at the state and local levels. The bill defines “racial profiling” to include profiling on the bases of actual or perceived race, ethnicity, national origin, religion, gender, and for the first time, gender identity and sexual orientation. The language of the bill...


Alex’s Story: A Triumph of Courage, Authenticity, and Hope

When I first heard the story of what was happening to Alex in St. George, Utah a few years ago, I could not believe it. I’m from Utah, and I know it can be tough for LGBTQ kids there, but I had no idea that charlatans could torture and keep prisoner a young girl based on her refusal to deny who she was. Alex’s parents’ attempts to change her sexual orientation were wrong, misguided, and ill informed, but what makes  Alex’s story—detailed in her book, “Saving Alex,” out March...


LGBTQ people must oppose Trump SCOTUS nominee

* This piece originally appeared in the Los Angeles Blade and the Washington Blade on July 12, 2018. On July 9, President Trump nominated Judge Brett Kavanaugh to replace Justice Anthony Kennedy on the Supreme Court. Kennedy, who authored the Supreme Court’s marriage equality decision and a number of other landmark LGBTQ rights cases, was an occasional swing vote on the Supreme Court. Though he almost always sided with the conservative justices, sometimes he voted with liberal Justices...


Sidebar with: Shannan Wilber, Esq. NCLR Youth Policy Director

In May, Shannan Wilber, NCLR’s Youth Policy Director, will receive the Juvenile Law Center’s 2020 Leadership Award. Given to individuals across the country whose work has substantially improved the lives of children in child welfare and juvenile justice systems, this award recognizes what we at NCLR already know about Shannan – she is a fierce and tireless advocate for the youngest and most vulnerable members of our community. Shannan is a career child advocate. She represented individual...


Born Perfect Year in Review

It’s been an exceptional year of successes for survivors of conversion therapy. Born Perfect had an incredible year in 2020, generously supported by people like you. Although the pandemic changed some of the ways we do our work, we won major victories and moved closer than ever to a world in which every young person knows they are born perfect and the deadly practice of conversion therapy is no more.  Born Perfect’s role in the movement to end conversion therapy is vital because our work...


“An Exaggerated Sense of Justice” – NCLR’s Youth Policy Director Shannan Wilber

“Across the country, the youth who populate carceral institutions and foster care are disproportionately BIPOC, queer, and/or poor. This is not an accident or something that can be repaired; these systems operate exactly as they were intended to operate. NCLR supports the movement to abolish these harmful systems and replace them with a safety net that promotes the health and well-being of low-income LGBTQ youth of color in their homes, schools, and communities.”Shannan Wilber, NCLR Youth...


Lessik v. East Bay Iceland, Inc.

Represented by the National Center for Lesbian Rights and Amy Todd and Tamara Fisher of Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati, John Manzon-Santos and Alan Lessik, who are both award-winning amateur figure skaters and were training for the 2006 Gay Games, filed a lawsuit in Alameda County Superior Court seeking redress for sexual orientation discrimination under the Berkeley Municipal Code and the Unruh Civil Rights Act. Both the local code and state law prohibit discrimination in public...


Sulpizio v. San Diego Mesa College

Lorri Sulpizio was the Head Women’s Basketball Coach at San Diego Mesa College (Mesa), and her domestic partner, Cathy Bass, assisted the team and served as the team’s Director of Basketball Operations for over eight years. Despite Sulpizio’s and Bass’s dedication and demonstrated track record of success leading the women’s basketball program at the community college, Mesa officials discharged both coaches at the end of the 2007 academic year after Coach Sulpizio...


Doe v. Jindal

NCLR and other groups filed a friend of the court brief in a groundbreaking case that finally put a stop to Louisiana’s longstanding practice of imposing harsh criminal penalties on people accused of soliciting certain types of sexual conduct with a person of the same sex. People charged under the state’s so-called “Crime Against Nature by Solicitation” (“CANS”) statute had to register as sex offenders, while people engaging in the very same behavior with a different-sex partner were charged...


In re Admission of Sergio Garcia

Sergio Garcia’s parents brought him from Mexico to the United States when was an infant. Sergio’s father applied for an immigrant visa on Sergio’s behalf. Although the application was approved in 1995, Sergio has not been able to apply to adjust his immigration status since because the United State government has yet to assign him a visa number nearly twenty years later. While waiting for his immigration paperwork to be completed, Sergio went on with his life and decided to...


Vazzo v. City of Tampa

In April 2017, Tampa’s City Council passed an ordinance prohibiting licensed therapists from engaging in the dangerous and discredited practice of conversion therapy, which attempts to change a person’s sexual orientation or gender identity, with patients under 18 years old. Every leading medical and mental health organization in the country has warned that these practices do not work and put young people at risk of serious harm, including depression, substance abuse, and suicide....


McCobb v. Willey

The National Center for Lesbian Rights (NCLR) and Arnold & Porter Kaye Scholer LLP filed a complaint on behalf of Katherine McCobb, against California-licensed marriage and family therapist Lloyd Willey. Willey told McCobb that being a lesbian is unnatural and pathological and that her sexual orientation could be changed using therapy. The practice of so-called “conversion therapy” has been discredited by the American Psychological Association and other professional counseling...


Boe v. Marshall

On April 8, 2022, Alabama Governor Kay Ivey signed into law SB 184. The law directly targets transgender adolescents and their families by imposing criminal penalties on any individual, including parents and healthcare providers, who facilitate or provide essential medical care to transgender adolescents for the treatment of gender dysphoria. NCLR, SPLC (Southern Poverty Law Center), Human Rights Campaign Foundation, and GLBTQ Legal Advocates & Defenders, along with co-counsel Lightfoot,...


The Positive Approach Recognizing, Challenging, and Eliminating Negative Recruiting Based on Actual or Perceived Sexual Orientation

This publication provides a comprehensive analysis of negative recruiting based on actual or perceived sexual orientation, and recommends practices and policies to eliminate it. Negative recruiting refers to the practice of playing on homophobic stereotypes to deter recruits from attending rival athletic programs by alleging or implying that a rival coach or team members are lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender (LGBT). Because sexual orientation is irrelevant to coaching, leadership, or...


Guidelines for Managing Information Related to the Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity and Expression of Children in Child Welfare Settings – 2013

This groundbreaking new publication is a product of the Putting Pride into Practice Project, a project of Family Builders by Adoption to help child welfare professionals better serve LGBTQ children and youth in foster care. These guidelines provide much-needed direction to child welfare agencies on how best to collect, record, and disclose information on the sexual orientation, gender identity, and gender expression of children and youth in foster care. Developed in partnership with Legal...


Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Youth in the Juvenile Justice System

This comprehensive practice guide, written by NCLR Youth Project Director Shannan Wilber for the Annie E. Casey Foundation, provides juvenile justice agencies the tools to meet their obligation to ensure the safety and well-being of LGBTQ youth in their care. The guide covers a broad range of topics, including nondiscrimination policies, staff training, talking with LGBTQ youth about sexuality and gender, and making individualized classification and housing decisions. Download


The Whole Youth Model: How Collecting Information about Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity, and Gender Expression Helps Probation and Youth Courts Build More Authentic Relationships Focused on Well-Being

NCLR partners with Ceres Policy Research on “The Whole Youth Model, “ an approach to serving youth in the justice system that prioritizes health and well-being over punishment and surveillance. The model is based on the premise that public safety is furthered by authentic conversations with young people and individualized responses tailored to their unique strengths and needs. This practice guide describes the model and summarizes the data collected from multiple sites across the country. The...


James Guay

James Guay is a survivor of conversion therapy and a Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist, providing LGBTQ Affirmative Psychotherapy for individuals and couples at his West Hollywood office. James testified in the California State Capital successfully advocating for them to ban the psychologically abusive practice of conversion therapy on LGBTQ youth by licensed therapists. His passion is to prevent other LGBTQ people from having to endure the harms of religious...


Chelsea E. HaleyNelson

Chelsea E. HaleyNelson serves as pro bono Of Counsel for NCLR’s Immigration Project. Chelsea is a California State Bar Certified Specialist in Immigration and Nationality Law.  She graduated from the University of San Francisco School of Law in 2005 with a Certificate in Public Interest Law.  Before law school, she obtained an undergraduate degree from the University of California Santa Barbara in both Political Science and Security and Peace Studies.  Her legal practice focuses...


Mathew Shurka

I was 21-years-old when I had my last conversion therapy session. It was 2009, and the secret ate away at me. I thought there was no one I could talk to about what I lived through, a part of my life when I was berated by people who told me that who I was attracted to was wrong, that there was something wrong with me. I felt isolated. But the fact of the matter is that I wasn’t alone. Nearly 700,000 people in the United States have been through conversion therapy, with 350,000 of...


Darren Arquero

Thirty years ago today, October 11 was named National Coming Out Day to mark the anniversary of the 1987 March on Washington for Lesbian and Gay Rights in the United States. October is LGBTQ History Month and Filipino American History Month as well. Also 30 years ago today, I was born in Texas as the youngest of three siblings to the parents of Filipino immigrants. Each year, this time feels bittersweet to me. As I celebrate each of these identities, I remember how central my Filipino-American...


The Effects of Title 42 And The New Asylum Ban On LGBTQ Migrants

In 2020, Trump used the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic to invoke Title 42 – an existing public health law – to severely restrict migrants’ entry into the United States. This means that Title 42 was legislation created in the past, but what exactly does it do or why was it created? Title 42 is part of a public health emergency law enacted in 1944 called the Public Health Service Act. The law was enacted to prevent the spread of communicable diseases and allows health authorities to deny individuals...


Shauna Madison, Esq.

Shauna R. Madison, Esq. is the Vice President of People, Culture, and Equity and Compliance Counsel, and a member of NCLR’s Management Team as well as the Business Administration Team. Shauna utilizes her expertise in labor and employment law, people management, and 501(c)(3) consultation to advise NCLR on holistic, trauma-informed, legally compliant policies and practices. Prior to joining NCLR, Shauna was Managing Partner at Medina Orthwein LLP – A queer-owned civil rights firm where she...


Shannon Minter, Esq.

Shannon Minter is the Vice President of Legal (Legal Director) of the National Center for Lesbian Rights (NCLR), one of the nation’s leading advocacy organizations for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people. Minter was lead counsel for same-sex couples in the landmark California marriage equality case which held that same-sex couples have the fundamental right to marry and that laws that discriminate based on sexual orientation are inherently discriminatory and subject to the...


Imani Rupert-Gordon

Imani Rupert-Gordon is the President of the National Center for Lesbian Rights (NCLR). NCLR is a national legal organization committed to advancing the civil and human rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people and their families through litigation, legislation, policy, and public education. Before joining NCLR, Imani served as the Executive Director for Affinity Community Services. Affinity is a LGBTQ social justice organization honoring the experiences of Black LGBTQ women. She...


Ming Wong, Esq.

Shin-Ming Wong graduated with a BA from Stanford University in 2003, where he majored in Philosophy. He was awarded his JD from U.C. Hastings in 2007, with a focus on Public Interest law. As an undergraduate he was active in student organizing around LGBTQ and people of color issues and was on staff at the Stanford LGBTQ Community Resources Center. While in law school he did clinical work at the Center for Gender and Refugee Studies and volunteered at the General Assistance Advocacy Project....


On TDOV, NCLR Lifts the Voices of the Next Generation of Our Transgender Staff

International Transgender Day of Visibility (TDOV) is an annual event observed on March 31 that is dedicated to celebrating transgender individuals and raising awareness of discrimination faced by transgender people worldwide. For Transgender Day of Visibility 2021, NCLR is highlighting the voices of our transgender youth staff members who have chosen to share their experiences, expertise, and what visibility means to them.   Lexi Adsit (she/her)NCLR Donor Engagement Manager “When I...


A Perspective: Change Can Be Good

People change – that’s a fact of life. My coming-out story is like many other LGBTQ individuals. My loved ones said horrible, hurtful things when I made the tough and personal decision to come out. I think about these experiences as I reflect on the recent decisions made by the U.S. Supreme Court, including their most recent ruling overturning Roe v. Wade. It’s easy to believe that things are changing for the worse. Without action, we could be headed back to a time with fewer rights and...


Cozen O’Connor, P.C. v. Tobits

Jennifer Tobits and Sarah Ellyn Farley married in Toronto in 2006. Two weeks after their wedding, Ellyn was diagnosed with cancer. The Chicago couple fought the disease together for their entire marriage, until Ellyn passed away in September 2010. Because Ellyn’s parents had never accepted her marriage to Jennifer, they feared that Ellyn’s parents would make legal claims to their property and generally attack Jennifer’s status as Ellyn’s spouse. Shortly after...


In re J.D.F.

T.L. and D.F., a lesbian couple, planned to have a child together. D.F. gave birth to their child, J.D.F. In order to protect the child’s relationship with both parents, the couple entered into a court-approved joint custody agreement. Several years later, T.L. and D.F. separated and agreed to share custody. But in 2004, Ohio’s anti-LGBTQ constitutional amendment excluding same-sex couples from marriage was passed. D.F. began to prevent T.L. from seeing their child, arguing that...


Jackson v. D.C. Board of Elections and Ethics

NCLR was a member of the Campaign for All D.C. Families, a diverse coalition working to achieve and preserve marriage equality for same-sex couples in the District of Columbia. Since July 6, 2009, D.C. has recognized the marriages of same- sex couples performed in other jurisdictions. On December 15, 2009, the D.C. City Council passed “The Religious Freedom and Civil Marriage Equality Amendment Act of 2009,” which permits same-sex couples to marry. Mayor Adrian Fenty signed the...


Doe v. Reed

In this case, anti-gay groups asked the U.S. Supreme Court to overturn a decision ordering the release of the names of 138,000 people who signed petitions supporting a ballot initiative to repeal basic protections for same-sex couples in Washington State. In November 2009, Washington voters rejected this attempt Referendum 71—and preserved the state’s domestic partnership law. The anti-gay groups were seeking to strike down a Washington law requiring disclosure of the petitions as public...


Stormans v. Selecky

In 2007, The Washington State Board of Pharmacy began requiring that pharmacists provide patients with prescribed medications if those medications are in stock. That rule was implemented to ensure that patients have timely access to medications. Additionally, pursuant to a long-standing rule governing which medications a pharmacy should have on its shelves, pharmacies would have to begin stocking Plan B, a prescription contraceptive. A pharmacy and two pharmacists sued the Washington State...


King v. Christie and Doe v. Christie

On August 19, 2013, New Jersey Governor Chris Christie signed the nation’s second law prohibiting state-licensed therapists from trying to change the sexual orientation or gender identity of a patient under 18 years old. Every leading medical and mental health organization in the country has warned that these practices do not work and put young people at risk of serious harm, including depression, substance abuse, and suicide. An anti-LGBTQ legal group immediately filed a federal lawsuit...


Dousset v. Florida Atlantic University

On May 14, 2014, Gildas Dousset, a student at Florida Atlantic University in Boca Raton, filed an appeal in state court seeking recognition of his marriage to his husband. The appeal argued that Florida’s laws barring recognition of the valid out-of-state marriages of same-sex couples violate the United States Constitution. Dousset and his spouse legally married in Massachusetts in 2013 and lived together in Fort Lauderdale. When Dousset sought in-state tuition at Florida Atlantic...


Pickup v. Brown and Welch v. Brown

On September 29, 2012, California Governor Jerry Brown signed the first law in the nation prohibiting state-licensed therapists from trying to change the sexual orientation or gender expression of a patient under 18 years old. Every leading medical and mental health organization in the country has warned that these practices do not work and put young people at risk of serious harm, including depression, substance abuse, and suicide. NCLR and Equality California, the state’s leading LGBTQ...


Fulton v. City of Philadelphia

The U.S. Supreme Court ruled in Fulton v. City of Philadelphia that the City of Philadelphia violated the Free Exercise Clause of the First Amendment by failing to give Catholic Social Services (CSS) an exemption from the nondiscrimination provision in city contracts for foster care providers, even though the contract authorized exemptions and the City had granted exemptions to other providers.  The opinion by the court written by Chief Justice Roberts was joined by Justices Breyer, Kagan,...


Bunk “Study” Defames Same-Sex Headed Households

Many times, when the anti-gay industry pops out with a new absurd lie, I simply sigh, remind myself of the arc of history, and move on. But the latest vicious volley landed, quite literally, too close to home. Earlier this week, a University of Texas sociologist named Mark Regnerus published a paper purporting to show that kids raised in same-sex households have poor outcomes as adults. His conclusion runs counter to 30-plus years of peer-reviewed research and contradicts the formal positions...


AB 960: Protecting Families Using Assisted Reproduction Equally

Beginning January 1, 2016, California law will fully protect families conceiving children through assisted reproduction, regardless of how they conceive. California law already recognized many families using assisted reproduction, but it only provided protections to certain families. Assembly Bill 960—signed into law by California Gov. Jerry Brown in late 2015—provides several important new protections to ensure that all families are treated equally by the law. First, California did not...


Ever Had a Dream? You’re Not Alone

It’s been an incredible few weeks. President Obama made history last month when he announced his plan to bring humanity and decency to our nation’s immigration policy, and underscored the urgency of coming together to bring major reform now. The President’s speech outlined his vision for a clear path toward citizenship that includes a streamlined pathway for DREAMers, those young women and men who came to America as children and know only this country as their home. They have waited for the...


DREAMs Come True: A Personal Story

By the time all of my peers were enrolling in driver education classes and mastering the rules of the road, I had already mastered the rules of how to go unnoticed. No jaywalking. No riding my bicycle without a helmet. And absolutely no mentioning my status as an undocumented immigrant to anyone. I was to do nothing that would set me apart from the rest. I was 2 years old when my parents, wanting nothing more than to improve their lives—and mine, brought me to America from Mexico. We soon...


Rise Up!

“Perseverance in almost any plan is better than fickleness and fluctuation”—Alexander Hamilton When we adopted our NCLR tag line—”The audacity to fight for justice, the perseverance to win”—it was before President Obama’s book “The Audacity of Hope” and years before the cultural phenomenon that is “Hamilton” ushered in a refreshed examination of Alexander Hamilton’s writings. But now the words of one of our nation’s early founders are particularly...


Safe Schools for All

know your rights what you can do file a complaint Who Can Help More Resources Every Student Deserves to Be Safe and Supported at School School should be a place where every student is safe to learn, participate in extracurricular activities, and have fun with friends, classmates, and teammates. But students who are transgender, nonbinary, lesbian, gay, bisexual, queer, or intersex still face discrimination, bullying, and harassment at school because of who they are. If you are a student who is...


Judge Holds California Domestic Partnership Law is Valid

(San Francisco, CA, September 8, 2004) — Today, Sacramento Superior Court Judge Loren E. McMaster held that the new expanded domestic partnership law – A.B. 205 – is valid. The ruling arose in the context of two lawsuits, one filed by the late Senator Pete Knight and the other by the Campaign for California Families (CCF), arguing that the new law violates Proposition 22, the ballot initiative approved by the voters in 2000. “The ruling today is a victory for the tens of...


Born Perfect Applauds City of Tallahassee for Passing Groundbreaking Ordinance to End Conversion Therapy

Unanimous vote by Tallahassee City Council ensures that LGBTQ youth and vulnerable adults in Florida capital will be protected from this harmful practice  FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEApril 10, 2020 TALLAHASSEE, FL — On Thursday, the Tallahassee City Council unanimously passed the state’s most inclusive ordinance to protect minors and vulnerable adults from conversion therapy – the harmful practice that seeks to change a young person’s sexual orientation or gender identity. In addition to...


In Historic Ruling, U.S. Supreme Court Affirms Marriage Equality Across the United States

(Washington, D.C., June 26, 2015)—In a historic decision, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that states laws that ban marriage for same-sex couples are unconstitutional. The decision overturns a November 2014 Sixth Circuit Court ruling that upheld marriage bans in Kentucky, Michigan, Ohio, and Tennessee. The 5-4 ruling strikes down laws in 13 states and Puerto Rico and requires all 50 states to allow same-sex couples to marry. The Tennessee plaintiffs are Dr. Valeria Tanco and Dr. Sophy Jesty; Army...


LGBTQ Community Groups Seek to Intervene in Federal Challenge to Proposition 8

Motion filed in response to judge’s call for information to resolve ‘factual disputes’ (San Francisco, California, July 8, 2009)—Lambda Legal, the National Center for Lesbian Rights (NCLR) and the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) today asked the U.S. District Court in San Francisco to allow Our Family Coalition, Lavender Seniors of the East Bay, and Parents, Families, and Friends of Lesbians and Gays to intervene in Perry v. Schwarzenegger, a federal lawsuit challenging California’s...


NCLR Files Suit Challenging Discriminatory Athletic Policy

Athletes, Coach humiliated at public interrogation about sexual orientation (Seattle, WA, April 20, 2010) — Today, National Center for Lesbian Rights (NCLR) clients and the law firm of K&L Gates LLP filed a lawsuit in the United States District Court for the Western District of Washington challenging the discriminatory practices of the North American Gay Amateur Athletic Association (NAGAAA). The lawsuit alleges that NAGAAA violated Washington’s laws governing discrimination in public...


Trans Military Ban: New Motion from GLAD, NCLR Would Immediately Stop Ban

Contact: Lauren Gray, National Center for Lesbian Rights (NCLR) lgray@nclrights.org / (215) 983-3099 Carisa Cunningham (617) 447-6500 NCLR, GLAD File New Motion for Urgent, Immediate Halt to President Trump’s Transgender Military Ban   Military leaders speak out in powerful new declarations against Trump’s ban, its disruption to armed forces and threat to national security New plaintiff, Regan Kibby from U.S. Naval...


NY Senate and Assembly Pass Bill to Protect LGBTQ Youth from Conversion Therapy

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE January 15, 2019 Contact: Lauren Gray, NCLR Communications Director lgray@nclrights.org / 215-983-3099   New York Senate and Assembly Pass Bill to Prohibit Conversion Therapy for LGBTQ Youth Once signed into law by Governor Andrew Cuomo, New York will become the 15th state to pass legislation protecting LGBTQ youth from conversion therapy, and the first state to prohibit the practice in 2019...


First-Of-Its-Kind Publication Provides Schools With Guidance to Ensure Safe and Supportive Environments for Transgender Students

Authors hosting Google Hangout for school administrators, educators, and parents on August 12th (San Francisco, CA, August 3, 2015)—Today, five national organizations introduced Schools In Transition: A Guide for Supporting Transgender Students in K-12 Schools, a first-of-its-kind publication for school administrations, teachers, and parents about how to provide safe and supportive environments for all transgender students, kindergarten through twelfth grade. The lead authors are Asaf Orr, the...


Parents Urge Appeals Court to Maintain Block on Alabama Law That Would Criminalize Essential Medical Care for their Transgender Children

MONTGOMERY, AL – Parents challenging Alabama’s SB 184 have responded to the State’s appeal of a district court ruling that blocked enforcement of the law in May 2022. SB 184 criminalizes parents who seek essential medical care for their transgender children, the doctors who provide this medical care, and anyone else who assists transgender young people to get the care they need. Under the law, parents, doctors, and others could face up to 10 years in prison and a fine of up to...


Federal Appeals Court Upholds New Jersey Law Prohibiting Conversion Therapy for Minors

Court Rejects Anti-LGBTQ Groups’ Constitutional Challenges to Law (Trenton, NJ, September 11, 2014)—Today, a panel of the United States Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit unanimously upheld a 2013 New Jersey law prohibiting licensed therapists from attempting to change the sexual orientation or gender expression or identity of patients under 18 years old. The Court held that the New Jersey law does not violate the First Amendment and that the State of New Jersey was entitled to prohibit...


New HRC, NCLR Parent Resource to Protect Children from Conversion Therapy

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: September 11, 2017 Sarah McBride | Sarah.McBride@HRC.org | 302-598-4310 Lauren Gray | LGray@NCLRights.org | 215-983-3099   Critical New Resource for Parents on Protecting Their Children from Dangerous Conversion Therapy  HRC Foundation and NCLR release new guide to help families recognize conversion therapies...


Hawaii is 12th State to Protect LGBTQ Youth from Conversion Therapy

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE May 25, 2018 Contact: Lauren Gray, NCLR Communications Director lgray@nclrights.org / (215) 983-3099 Hawaii Now the 12th State to Protect LGBTQ Youth from Conversion Therapy NCLR’s Mathew Shurka testified during Hawaii’s legislative hearings and said today, “As a survivor, I know how harmful conversion therapy can be, and I could not be happier that Hawaii has taken this important step to protect the...


Utah Becomes 19th State to Protect LGBTQ Youth from Conversion Therapy

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE January 22, 2020 Contact: Christopher Vasquez, NCLR Communications Director cvasquez@nclrights.org / (415) 365-1337 Utah Becomes 19th State to Protect LGBTQ Youth from Conversion Therapy Historic new rule adopted by the Utah Division of Occupational and Professional Licensing goes into effect today SALT LAKE CITY, UT — Today the Utah Division of Occupational and Professional Licensing...


Virginia Becomes 20th State to Protect LGBTQ Youth from Conversion Therapy

With Governor’s signature, VA becomes the first Southern state to end the harmful practice RICHMOND, VA — Yesterday Governor Ralph Northam signed a historic bill making Virginia the twentieth state to protect LGBTQ minors from conversion therapy, the harmful practice which seeks to change a young person’s sexual orientation or gender identity. The bill, which passed both chambers of the VA legislature in February, will go into effect on July 1. The Governor’s signature also makes Virginia the...


Born Perfect Urges Eleventh Circuit to Reverse Decision Allowing FL Therapists to Subject LGBTQ Youth to Conversion Therapy

“So-called conversion therapy has harmed hundreds of thousands of Americans, leaving LGBTQ youth and their families with a lifetime of pain.” ATLANTA, GA — The Born Perfect campaign submitted a friend-of-the-court brief on Friday urging reversal of a recent decision by a three-judge federal panel validating the dangerous unethical practice known as conversion therapy. These treatments claim to change sexual orientation or gender identity and they have been shown to make LGBTQ children nearly...


Born Perfect and Enfranchisement Release Video with All-Star Cast Including Patton Oswalt and D’Arcy Carden to Combat Anti-LGBTQ Conversion Therapy

The video seeks to spread awareness about the harmful practice of conversion therapy  SAN FRANCISCO, CA – BOBBY’S BIG PROBLEM, produced by Born Perfect and Enfranchisement, was released today digitally, featuring a celebrity cast, including Patton Oswalt, D’Arcy Carden, Jasika Nicole, and RB Butcher. Click here to watch the video. Click here for stills from the video. The video tells the story of Bobby, played by RB Butcher, who recounts his conversion therapy experience to his friend Renee,...


State and National Civil Rights Groups Laud Maryland For Providing State Employee Benefits To Married Same-Sex Couples

(Annapolis, MD, May 19, 2010) — Heartened that the State of Maryland has taken an important step forward for the rights of all families, the American Civil Liberties Union of Maryland, Equality Maryland, the Maryland Black Family Alliance, Lambda Legal and the National Center for Lesbian Rights today lauded the state Department of Budget and Management for its decision to make the Employee and Retiree Health and Welfare Benefits Program inclusive of same-sex couples who have valid marriages...


National Center for Lesbian Rights Applauds Enactment of California Law to Clarify Rights of Same-Sex Couples Married Outside the State

(San Francisco, California, October 27, 2009) — The National Center for Lesbian Rights (NCLR) applauds the passage of California’s SB 54, a bill authored by Senator Mark Leno and signed into law by Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger on October 11, 2009. SB 54 clarifies the rights and responsibilities of same-sex couples who get married outside of California. NCLR worked closely with Equality California and Senator Leno’s office to support the measure throughout the legislative process, from...


NCLR Applauds President’s Decision to Stop Defending Discriminatory Federal Defense of Marriage Act

Statement by NCLR Legal Director Shannon Minter (San Francisco, CA, February 23, 2011)—President Barack Obama has decided that the government should no longer defend Section 3 of the federal Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA), which discriminates against legally married same-sex couples by providing that the federal government will not recognize their marriages for any purpose, according to a statement released today by the Attorney General of the United States. The Attorney General explained the...


Trans Military Ban: Emergency Relief

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contacts: Lauren Gray, Communications Director, NCLR lgray@nclrights.org / (215) 983-3099 Jason Howe, Communications Director, Equality California jason@eqca.org / (415) 595-9245  Amanda Johnston, Director of Public Affairs & Education, GLAD ajohnston@glad.org / (617) 417-7769   GLAD and...


DOJ’s First Trans Military Ban Lawsuit Response: NCLR and GLAD Statement

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contacts: Lauren Gray, Communications Director, NCLR lgray@nclrights.org / (215) 983-3099 Amanda Johnston, Director of Public Affairs & Education, GLAD ajohnston@glad.org / (617) 417-7769 After DOJ Responds for First Time to Transgender Military Ban Lawsuits, NCLR and GLAD Say DOJ Is Turning a Blind Eye to the...


Within hours, Trump administration lands two punches against transgender community

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE October 5, 2017 Contacts: Lauren Gray, Communications Director, NCLR lgray@nclrights.org / (215) 983-3099 Amanda Johnston, Director of Public Affairs & Education, GLAD ajohnston@glad.org / (617) 417-7769 On the Same Day, Trump Administration Lands Two Punches Against Trans Community: Pushing Courts to Ignore Transgender Military Ban...


Court Stops Transgender Military Ban in NCLR, GLAD Case

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contacts:  Lauren Gray, Communications Director, NCLR lgray@nclrights.org / (215) 983-3099  Amanda Johnston, Director of Public Affairs & Education, GLAD ajohnston@glad.org / (617) 417-7769     Federal District Court Stops Transgender Military Ban in Doe v. Trump Court Agrees with NCLR and GLAD that Ban’s Harms To Transgender...


Judge Rejects Trump Administration Request to Delay Trans Enlistment

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contacts:  Lauren Gray, NCLR lgray@nclrights.org / (215) 983-3099 Amanda Johnston, GLAD ajohnston@glad.org / (617) 417-7769   Federal Judge Rejects Trump Administration Request to Further Delay Transgender Military Enlistment Judge Kollar-Kotelly Denies Request for Stay of Injunction, Reaffirms...


Unanimous Vote: Florida County Protects LGBTQ Youth from Conversion Therapy

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Lauren Gray, NCLR lgray@nclrights.org / (215) 983-3099  Florida’s Broward County Passes Ordinance to Protect LGBTQ Youth from Conversion Therapy by Unanimous Vote NCLR says, “Today’s unanimous vote speaks to the power of survivor stories and the indisputable evidence that conversion therapy is not only ineffective—it devastates our young people and community” (FORT...
