
Month: January 2023

Our Voices blog

NCLR’s Legislative Priorities in the 118th Congress

It’s January of an odd-numbered year, which means a new Congress has just convened. Unlike the previous two years, we now have divided party control, making legislating even more difficult. While progress may be slowed, it is essential that NCLR and other LGBTQ civil rights organizations continue to have a presence on Capitol Hill, reminding members of the House and Senate that we expect them to act in the best interests of all of their constituents. So what’s on NCLR’s policy wish list this...


Born Perfect – NCLR’s campaign to end conversion therapy – hit the ground running on New Year’s Day, and 2023 looks to be a year of record progress against this fraudulent practice, which has inflicted devastating harm on millions of LGBTQ youth and their families. At least four states have an opportunity to protect youth from this dangerous and discredited practice. NCLR’s Born Perfect campaign testified in favor of Minnesota’s new bill in January, and we are actively partnering with state...
