
Month: April 2020

Our Voices blog

Thursday, April 2, 2020Hosted by Center for American Progress[Online Edited Webinar Remarks from Tyrone Hanley, NCLR Senior Policy Counsel] Hello, my name is Tyrone Hanley. I am Senior Policy Counsel at the National Center for Lesbian Rights and Co-Coordinator of the National LGBTQ Anti-Poverty Action Network. I use he/him pronouns. My presentation is on how to ensure federal COVID-19 assistance reaches low-income LGBTQ people and families. It is only meant to be an...


One of our clients was granted asylum earlier this month. He is one of the more anxious clients we’ve worked with. Due to the persecution and past experiences of verbal, physical, and sexual abuse in his home country from those in his life and strangers alike, he finds it extremely difficult to trust people and share his story. Multiple times he’s told us information that he previously withheld because he was afraid of disclosing it. It was harmless things like the fact that he entered the...
