
Month: September 2016

Our Voices blog

Kyler’s bedroom My mirror does not define me: Not the stranger that looks back at me Not the smooth face that belongs to someone else Not the eyes that gleam with sadness When I look for him and can only see her. My body does not define me: Not the slim shoulders that will not change Not the hips that give me away Not the chest I can’t stand to look at When I look for him and can only see her. My clothes do not define me: Not the shirt and the jeans That would look so perfect on him But...


At the very beginning of this year, NCLR filed an amicus brief in one of the most important abortion rights cases to reach the U.S. Supreme Court in decades. We urged the Court to look behind the rhetoric about “protecting women’s health” that Texas used to cloak its onerous abortion restrictions, and to be deeply skeptical when supposed health reasons are used to undermine fundamental constitutional rights, like the right to end a pregnancy. For such reasons have been used, in the past and...
