
Month: March 2013

Our Voices blog

So it’s over. Two days that are now part of LGBTQ history. Two back-to-back arguments at the United States Supreme Court, with most of the country paying attention—hearing about our lives, our relationships, and how discriminatory government policies and voter initiatives mark us as inferior, unequal, and vulnerable. In today’s case, the issue was section 3 of the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA), which withholds federal protection and recognition from same-sex spouses. Once again,...


Dear Friend of NCLR, Most of us have been through the experience of coming out to family. We approach it with some fear, worry, and trepidation. We hope for the best, expect the worst, and sometimes we get lucky, with our family embracing, accepting, and reaffirming their love for us. And sometimes we are not so lucky, and then we move on and hope for better moments as time passes. Many of us only have to worry about our family’s judgment of us. But what if your family member was in a...


Sometimes you just have to sit back and say wow. I am writing this at a desk in our Washington D.C. office, but just a few hours ago, I was sitting in the courtroom of the United States Supreme Court, listening to oral argument in the challenge to California’s Proposition 8. I will get to my impressions of the argument and where I think we might be headed in our Prop 8 saga in a bit. First, though, I want to take a moment just to breathe and acknowledge the history-making nature of this...


In December I was pretty sure I would not be going. But by January, I knew I couldn’t miss it. I’m talking, of course, about oral argument in two of the most important LGBTQ cases ever to be heard by the U.S. Supreme Court—the challenges to Proposition 8 and the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA). As soon as the dates of the arguments were set—back-to-back on March 26 and 27—I could not imagine NOT being there. I have never witnessed a Supreme Court argument in person. Back in 1995, I tried to...


Marriage equality is coming to New Mexico! I am delighted to let you know that today we, along with our colleagues at the local and national ACLU, filed a lawsuit seeking the freedom to marry for same-sex couples in New Mexico. We have been working towards this moment for quite some time in New Mexico, and we’ve spent many months preparing the strongest possible case. And, as you likely have heard, it just so happened that on Tuesday, Santa Fe Mayor David Coss asked county clerks to...
