We need your help.

The Biden-Harris Administration has released draft federal regulations that would prevent doctors and health insurance companies from discriminating against LGBTQI+ people. They’re asking for input from the public – that means you!

Submit your comment below.

The sad fact is that some health care providers won’t give LGBTQI+ people the health care we need. And some insurance companies won’t cover our care. This is illegal – the Affordable Care Act (ACA) makes it against the law to discriminate against someone in health care based on sex. But some providers and insurers do it anyway. These new regulations from the federal government would make it harder for them to get away with mistreating our community by making it clear that the law covers discrimination based on sexual orientation, gender identity, and sex characteristics (including intersex traits).

The Biden-Harris Administration needs to hear from us that these proposed regulations are vitally important to our health and well-being. Using this form, you can send a comment supporting the adoption of the regulations, and, if you choose, offer your personal reasons why. Have you or someone you care about been subjected to discrimination because of your sexual orientation or gender identity? If you share your story with the administration, it can really help because it shows there is a great need for these rules and it will encourage them to take bold action against discrimination. Even if you haven’t experienced discrimination yourself, you can still tell the government that it’s wrong and that you strongly support adoption of these regulations.

[We’ve provided some suggested language for your comment, but you are welcome and encouraged to edit that to reflect your own voice, in addition to adding your own personal story if you choose. In the “Message Body” box on the form, please tell HHS why this rule is particularly important to you. Have you experienced discrimination at the hands of a doctor or hospital? Has your health insurance plan refused to cover the care you need? Personal stories can help the government create regulations that will really help people by addressing the harms we face.]

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