
(San Francisco, CA, July 31, 2015)–In response to the ongoing attacks on Planned Parenthood by radical anti-abortion operatives and extremist politicians, National Center for Lesbian Rights Executive Director Kate Kendell issued the following statement:

“NCLR stands with Planned Parenthood at this time of unrelenting assaults. The specious allegations being leveled against this critical network of health centers are nothing more than a transparent attack on the ability of all people to receive compassionate, non-judgmental reproductive and preventive health care.

Planned Parenthood health centers and other reproductive health care clinics, in addition to providing essential family planning and abortion care, are often the only source of care for many in underserved and vulnerable communities. For many LGBTQ people, who experience stigma and discrimination in the health care system, the specially trained staff and tailored programs – including services for transgender people – offered at these clinics are a lifeline.

When the U.S. Supreme Court affirms our fundamental rights, it is often the beginning, rather than the end, of the struggle. As it has been for reproductive rights, so will it be for full LGBTQ equality. As an organization committed to securing the rights of LGBTQ people, the fight for full reproductive freedom is our fight too.”